Title: The Painter
Part 8: The Calm Before The Storm
Rating: PG13-NC17
Disclaimer: All rights to their rightful owners.
Warnings: Angst, hurt & comfort, smut in chapters to come, etc...
Summary: Andy Sachs Goldman is a celebrated painter. She paints the rich and famous all around the world. Or, she did, until two years ago when she dropped off the grid entirely and became almost hermit-like. But now after her self-imposed exile, she is back in the public eye. Miranda Priestly has only a vague recollection of ever hearing about AS Goldman, but when she meets the woman in the flesh, her unexpected offer of a portrait surprises her into accepting. Will these two women find a balance between their two personalities and get along for the sake of the portrait? Or will Andy's past come back to haunt them and tear them apart irreparably?
(A/n: Medical and legal facts may sometimes be inaccurate and have been altered to fit the needs of the story. This applies to all current and future chapters. Enjoy the read. I love hearing from my readers! It helps me to keep writing!)
“When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.”
― Haruki Murakami , Kafka on the Shore
Andy glanced out the window as she painted and smiled to herself. It was a cloudy day, and some might consider it unpleasant but Andy loved this kind of weather. The sun weaved back and forth behind the clouds and the sky was indecisive shade of greyish blue, as though it couldn’t quite decide if it was going to be sunny or rainy today.
She glanced back at her subject, sitting so gracefully in the arm chair before looking back at the canvas in front of her.
Andy dipped her brush into the paint she had just finished blending for the skin tone and with a deft movement shaped it into the cheek bone of Miranda’s portrait.
The shape of the jaw had been established earlier during the session and the limits of the forehead and neck had begun to take shape. She glanced at her subject who was sitting still and silent as a statue in her armchair.
Andy took a moment to admire Miranda’s appearance, noting the dark cherry hue of her lipstick and the outline of her sharp mouth, the pale, almost white, beige of her skin, and the ever present tiny lines at the corners of her mouth which assured Andy that she did indeed smile once in a while. And of course her eyes with all their blue and grey blended shades that as of yet Andy could not name as a color.
Miranda flicked a glance at her. “No music today?”
“Would you like me to put something on?” Andy asked, surprised. She had wondered if the music she’d put on last time had annoyed Miranda more than anything so she hadn’t put any on this time. It seemed she’d been wrong.
Miranda nodded. It was true, it was very quiet today. Not even the sounds of the city bellow could cover the indomitable silence of the room. They had attempted conversation briefly, before that had fallen flat. Talking about ‘safe’ things, became boring very quickly.
From the moment Miranda had arrived on Andy’s doorstep, she’d been quiet and cool. Something was bothering her. Or maybe Andy was the one who had caused her discomfort. She couldn’t really tell. But she hadn’t done anything out of the ordinary.
Andy put down her brush and went to put some music on.
Before she could talk herself out of it she asked, “Anything particular you feel like listening to?”
“Bach’s suite for solo cello no.5 prelude in C minor by Yo-Yo Ma is quite enjoyable.” Miranda said, this time turning to look at Andy as she spoke and then catching herself in her misstep, turned back approximately to where she had been.
“You like Yo-Yo Ma?” Andy asked smiling. Miranda nodded, barely moving her head, careful not to turn to look at Andy again, as she did so.
“Me too. I really love the depth he can put into the sound he pulls from the strings. It’s such a rich and clear tone…flooding the senses as you listen…” Andy paused and realised she’d gotten carried away and said too much.
She blushed to her roots and she was sure she was noticeably pink, makeup or no. Miranda made no obvious sign that Andy’s babbling had annoyed her. In fact, there was a small curve to the corner of her mouth now, as Andy looked at her closely.
Andy found her Yo-Yo Ma album and set the music to play. The soft deep tones of the beginning of the piece filled the room. Andy watched Miranda’s shoulders relax almost imperceptibly.
Miranda was in a navy blue Armani suit today. It fit her like a glove. She wore a white button up blouse under the military jacket which she’d left the last couple of buttons near the top undone. This allowed for the occasional flash of cleavage and it was with great difficulty that Andy managed not to stare at anything but Miranda’s face during the session.
After the piece Miranda had requested ended Andy asked, “Do mind if I let the whole album play?” Miranda shook her head. Andy almost sighed in relief. She’d been wracking her brains for the past the few minutes as to what she would put on next had Miranda said ‘no’.
Miranda had moved out of place slightly to the left of where she should be as she had shaken her head.
Andy came forward and reached out to pose her again. She paused a few inches away from touching her.
“Yes.” Miranda murmured answering the unspoken question, not looking Andy in the eye.
Andy’s hands touched her shoulders first, pulling them a little bit to the left so it would be easier to tilt her head afterwards. She could feel the tension in them as she did so. Then slowly, cautiously, as she would do with a frightened animal, she slid her hand up to Miranda’s jaw turning her face slightly back to where it had to be.
She was painfully beautiful in that instant, with the light touching her features at just the right angle to create that perfect moment which Andy strived to capture on the canvas. And her eyes…they were so full of unspoken emotion that Andy had to grit her teeth together to stop herself from asking her what she was thinking. Andy let her hand linger a moment longer than was truly appropriate. She couldn’t help it. She longed to feel Miranda’s skin against her own, even in such a chaste way.
Miranda sighed, the sound of it was barely audible, and she let her eyes close for the barest instant before opening them again. As though she too were indulging in Andy’s touch…but that couldn’t be true…could it?
Andy felt that sigh travel across her sending shivers down her spine. Oh God. It had just been half a second if that, but Andy couldn’t deny that she found Miranda intensely beautiful.
She pulled her hand away slowly. She felt that if she moved to quickly Miranda might run from her, and never come back. It was becoming more and more difficult to restrain her outright desire for Miranda with each thing that ‘happened.’
Miranda deliberately moved her head to look at Andy.
Andy’s eyes met Miranda’s and in that moment Miranda read the desire in them as clear as day. Miranda’s mouth fell open and her eyes widened.
She was shocked. And she most certainly knew.
‘Oh shit. Oh God. Oh no. She knows.’ Andy thought panicked. Andy could tell she was surprised, and almost alarmed- Had she truly felt nothing at all? Had Andy read too much into their sessions? It was entirely possible.
‘Fuck.’ Andy thought. ‘What have I done?’ She felt like such an idiot for not having hid her longing better. God only knew what Miranda would do now.
“Miranda-” Andy tried to say, and then Miranda stood up abruptly, jarring the coffee table a bit as she moved. Andy flinched at the sound of the legs scrapping against the floor noisily.
“I should go.” She said urgently. “I’ve just remembered something. Stephen wanted to have dinner tonight. It must have slipped my mind earlier.” Miranda murmured, not looking Andy in the eye.
It was a blatant lie.
Andy’s jaw dropped. She was running away. Miranda Priestly, known powerhouse and feared business woman was running away from her.
Miranda made to go towards the door of the studio. Andy caught her arm just as she passed besides her. Miranda gasped as Andy gripped her forearm, preventing her from fleeing.
“Miranda, please, don’t go.” Andy pleaded, trying not to show just how hurt she was by Miranda leaving like this. “I- I don’t want anything from you. I- I don’t expect anything…so please. Don’t go.”
‘Please don’t leave.’ Andy thought, searching Miranda’s face desperately.
It was the closest either of them had ever come to admitting that they felt anything for each other.
“Andrea. Don’t. Lie. To. Me.” Miranda growled. “Let anyone else lie to me, I don’t care. But don’t you lie to me. You want something from me. You have since the moment we met at the Benefit.” Miranda growled. Her cheeks were flushed and her expression bordering on outright anger.
Andy was stunned. How long had Miranda known this? How long had she kept coming back despite everything…what must she have though when Andy announced Henry and she were divorcing? Dear God. So much made sense now.
“Maybe that’s true.” Andy said after the moment of silence had passed. “But as I said. I expect nothing. So please. Stay... Let me finish the painting.”
They both knew they were no longer talking about her leaving just for the session. They were talking about never coming back to finish the painting. Because that was what Miranda had intended to do, Andy knew it based on sheer intuition. Andy could guess how she would go about it. Making up excuse after excuse to put off Andy’s offers of sessions, until Andy got mad and stopped offering at all…
If they had been simply painter and subject, that could have worked. But, they were more than that. And they both knew it. Andy’s hand slid down Miranda’s arm and took her hand gently in her own. Miranda’s fingers were trembling slightly. Miranda gasped and looked up from the ground she’d kept her eyes fixed on.
She was flushed and her eyes had a sort of watery sheen that appeared only if a person was upset. There was a strained set to her jaw and Andy watched as Miranda swallowed hard.
Had Andy upset Miranda? Was it her fault? Andy wanted to make those not-quite-tears go away by any means necessary.
“Miranda…” Andy breathed. She looked at Miranda who was now looking away from her. But she didn’t pull her hand away. Why wasn’t she pulling her hand away? Andy didn’t know. Miranda’s breath hitched. She still refused to look at Andy.
“I have to go.” Miranda murmured again through tight lips.
“No you don’t.” Andy murmured.
“Oh, but I do have to Andrea.” Miranda murmured and this time there was a measure of cynical humour in her voice. Some kind of irony that Andy had missed or couldn’t understand. “If I didn’t…”
“What?” Andy asked. “What would happen if you didn’t leave?” She wasn’t sure she wanted to know the answer. If her guesses where anywhere near accurate, they wouldn’t be what Andy wanted to hear.
“I have a husband.” Miranda said, finally looking up at Andy, slicing through Andy’s gentle gaze with her own dagger-like glare. “And my children. And my work. I could lose that.” Andy felt like Miranda had just slapped her, bringing up her family and work. It was true but that didn’t stop Andy from wanting her. She knew it was selfish. Terribly selfish. But no matter what Andy did, it seemed that Miranda was in her thoughts. It was an almost unhealthy attraction. She was helpless to fight against it and what was more, she didn’t want to.
“Do you love him?” Something inside of Andy must truly be suicidal to dare ask such a question. But then this wasn’t exactly a normal conversation either.
“No.” She said through clenched teeth.
Andy felt immediately relieved. But that answer brought up a host of new questions that Andy hadn’t even been aware were a possibility before now.
“Then why do you have to go?” Andy asked, confused.
Were they really having this conversation? Was Andy dreaming? She hopped she wasn’t dreaming. She had to hold herself back from pinching herself to make sure.
“You don’t understand. You can’t understand... I hope you never do.” Miranda said with an unreadable meaning in her cold eyes. What did she mean? She squeezed Andy’s hand in her own before pulling back and walking out the studio door without looking back.
Andy stood frozen, trying to process what had just happened for a second before snapping out of it and hurrying after Miranda. She caught up to her in the hall way. She had to make her stay. If she left now, she wouldn’t come back. That would be unacceptable.
Miranda was about to turn around to tell her something, when Andy slipped on the hardwood floor. Miranda caught her in her arms trying to prevent her fall. But Andy was heavier than Miranda expected and they tumbled over onto the floor despite both their efforts.
Andy caught herself on her hands and knees on top of Miranda. Both women gasped. Andy and Miranda’s faces were barely an inch apart.
To Andy’s shock it was Miranda who closed the distance. Andy stood stock still as Miranda pressed her trembling lips against Andy’s. Andy’s mind went blank for a second. Miranda's lips were warm and soft, her lips barely moving against her own.
Miranda was kissing her. Miranda was kissing her.
She brushed her mouth over Andy's just once more, so softly before pulling back.
Andy was sure she looked utterly and completely stunned.
“I should not have done that.” Miranda murmured. Andy could tell she was pained by that fact. Her eyes were glazed and her breathing was uneven. Both women were blushing fiercely. Miranda’s mouth was still so close to Andy’s own and oh, how she wanted to lean in and return the favor.
She almost did but Miranda saw what she wanted to do and said, “No. Please don’t. I-”
Miranda was begging her not to kiss her. Dear God, what had Andy done in a past life to deserve such torture? But she’d promised. She’d promised Miranda she wouldn’t if touch her if Miranda asked her not to.
Andy wasn’t sure she could keep her promise if they stayed so close to each other. And besides the floor was no place for a pregnant woman. Thank goodness Miranda had caught her and prevented them from falling too hard. It had barely felt like a fall at all. Andy shuddered to think of what could have happened if Miranda hadn’t caught her. She stood up slowly and then offered her hand to Miranda who declined the offer and stood up slowly by herself.
“You should stop wearing heels.” Miranda said once they were both standing.
Andy looked at her incredulously, this coming from the editor of a fashion magazine. Andy chuckled. Miranda pursed her lips. Oh. She was serious. Well she did have a point.
“Yeah, I probably should. It’s been a while since I’ve done this. I guess I’m a bit rusty.” Andy tried to joke.
Miranda went towards the closet and took out her own coat and put it on before turning back to look at Andy.
“What was his name? Your son?” Miranda surprised Andy by asking. Would this woman every stop surprising her? Andy was leaning towards the answer being ‘no.’
“Ethan.” She murmured. “His name was Ethan. He was a lovely child.” She didn't know why she was telling Miranda this, nor did she know why Miranda was asking. Sheer curiosity or something else? Who knew? Certainly not Andy.
“How long has it been since…?”
“It was over two years ago now. Almost three now.” Andy replied tersely.
Miranda sighed. Andy shut her eyes. Then she opened them.
Miranda was watching her closely, as though she were looking for something although Andy had no clue what that might be.
“We can’t do this again.” Miranda murmured.
“No. We shouldn’t. That’s not the same thing as we can’t.” Andy replied trying not appear to pathetically hopeful. She was certain she was failing miserably.
“Mmm,” Miranda said, and added, “Isn’t it? In any case I should go.”
“Will you come back? Sunday?” Andy asked. She was desperate to know the answer.
Miranda paused in the open door frame and barely looked over her shoulder.
“I don’t know.” She whispered. “Goodbye Andrea.”
She left the apartment and swiftly headed down the corridor towards the elevator. Andy watched her go until she turned a corner and disappeared from her sight.
Then, Andy slowly shut the door and ground her teeth together.
The words, ‘I don’t know.’ were still ringing in Andy’s ears.
She hoped with every fiber of her being Miranda would return. Andy had no idea what she was getting herself into. Not a clue. She had no idea where this thing could possibly go but she still had hope.
She had to.
Andy held her breath as the cold gel smeared across her abdomen was smeared some more by the ultrasound machine. The image in black and white on the screen moved and Andy felt her nose burn with the tears she was holding back.
“It’s a girl.” The tech said smiling indulgently at Andy.
Andy had to consciously stop herself from sagging back into the chair with relief. As it was, she shut her eyes and let out a relieved sigh, before looking up and smiling back at the tech. A girl. Thank God. Andy wasn’t sure what she would have done had it been another boy.
Surely the gender difference would prevent her from constantly comparing her children…Right? Surely…Andy frowned at her own thoughts. She hopped it would. She didn’t want the past to affect this child’s happiness. That was the last thing she wanted.
“Something wrong?” The tech asked, seeing her expression.
“No. I’m fine.” Andy murmured. “Is that all for today?” They’d run some tests and her OBGYN had given her a basic update on what to expect and what she should be doing. She tried not to think of the last time she’d done this. Of course, she failed and the memories came anyways. When they told her and Henry that it would be a boy, when Henry had grinned at Andy with such a thrilled childish expression that Andy had to pinch his cheek for being such a kid. When they’d held their breaths, waiting to find out…oh God.
Andy covered her eyes with her hand for a second, fighting off the emotions threatening to overwhelm her. She couldn’t afford to be emotional right now.
“Yes. Please make sure to set up your appointments at the reception before you go.” The woman named Nancy said. “Oh, and would you like us to print the picture on the ultra sound?”
“Y-yes. Please.” Andy managed. She still had Ethan’s ultrasound picture in a frame in the nursery. Come to think of it, she really had to get on the renovations in the nursery before the baby arrived…before she arrives. Andy supposed she should say, ‘she’ now that she knew it was a girl.
“I’ll be right back with your picture for you.” Nancy said still grinning widely. Did that woman ever stop smiling? Andy wondered, not very kindly. She bit back a chuckle. She placed a hand on her stomach and murmured, “A girl huh?” She smiled softly. “A girl.” She murmured, awed by the prospect.
‘What will Henry say, when I tell him?’ Andy wondered. She could honestly say she had no clue. Henry could be predictable in most matters but, this was not ‘most matters’. This was their second child. And it-she, was a girl.
What would Miranda say? Andy supposed she might say any number of different things, depending on what kind of situation they were in when she found out.
If they were around others it would surely be some kind of boring congratulations, if they were alone, she might ask Andy what she was thinking about and if she was ok with the baby being a girl. Or she might just say something inane whether they were alone or not. Miranda was the most unpredictable person Andy had ever met.
The sound of cars rushing around on the asphalt outside the building could be heard, along with the telltale sounds of the city during a busy work days. Andy had been at the meeting with her lawyers since early this morning. It was now past noon and they were still arguing the finer points of their divorce issues.
“The prenup we both signed before committing to this marriage states that should either one cheat and the other wish for a divorce, it will be granted and the one who cheated will be removed from my father’s will and have no further part in the company. You can keep all the money and holdings you currently have, except for what is still part of the company. But you know that already Henry.” Andy said to him from across the boardroom table. “As for the child, you can have visitation rights but I will have sole custody”
Her lawyer, Kate Franklin, continued for her, “The security cameras in the building show Ms. Weiss coming and leaving at the times Andy has claimed she was there and it shows Ms. Weiss leaving clearly upset and half dressed. Surely you aren’t going to deny what the camera clearly shows?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about. Lily and I were never at the apartment.” Henry said, trying to give a charming smile to Andy and her lawyer and failing quite miserably. Andy suppressed a shudder. Her lawyer eyed her then.
“Oh really?” Kate said with a predatory smirk, “We have witnesses who claim to have seen you go in and out of the building, as well as people who can testify that you were not at work during that time, having claimed sudden illness and gone home. And Lily Weiss wasn’t at the gallery either and we have witness to prove it. At the same time. On the same day. And the incriminating emails on both your company email accounts certainly won’t help your case.”
Andy knew her lawyer was good at playing this game. She’d hoped Henry would go quietly, that he’d not drag out what had been coming for a long time now.
“So what? You still only have circumstantial evidence!” Henry’s lawyer barked. He was clearly worried about his client now.
“Actually,” Andy’s lawyer’s smirk widened further. She looked just like a shark who’d smelled blood and was going in for the kill, Andy mused. “The maid who cleaned the bedroom took the sheets Andy claims to have seen Mr. Goldman and Miss Weiss having sex on and put them in a plastic air tight bag. It is admissible as evidence. DNA should be able to confirm this. My client knew she’d be better to keep the physical evidence, just in case.”
Henry gapped at her, disbelieving that she’d even be capable of thinking of such a thing.
“My father taught me how to play this game too Henry. Or did you forget that I used to run the company before Ethan was born?” Andy murmured. Her eyes were hard as flint.
Andy watched, almost sadistically pleased, as Henry mashed his teeth together in an effort not to curse her out publicly for this.
“This meeting is over.” Henry growled. Kate tried to protest but Andy put a hand on her forearm. Andy nodded. The older woman nodded back. Ok. It was over. For today. Andy was tired. The animosity in the room certainly wasn’t good for the baby.
Henry stormed out of the room with his lawyer trailing behind him. The boardroom door slammed behind them.
“Hmph,” Andy looked at her lawyer and said, “Well. I think that went well don’t you?”
Andy’s lawyer chuckled and shook her head at her client’s unexpected backbone
Andy still had one or two cats in the bag, though she had pulled out the main guns. She stood up and picked up the papers she’d brought with her. Kate picked up her own case files and led the way out of the boardroom.
Andy and Kate walked into the elevator and watched as the doors dinged shut behind them.
“Make sure to get some serious protection for the witnesses. Thank them profusely for me will you? Oh and make sure to have that evidence somewhere far away and hidden where Henry’s people won’t be able to get to it. Like say, a public bank vault? Yes I think that might work. You know how this works by now don’t you?” Andy said to her.
“Yes of course Andy. Don’t worry. The firm will protect your interests above all else. You’re paying us well enough that it’s in our best interest.” Kate said, suppressing another smirk.
Yes she was paying them a great deal of money but Andy thought it was best that Kate didn’t know the other things which bound the firm to her and the company. Certain incriminating items of evidence which Andy and Goldman Sachs and co. was in possession of. Well, Andy supposed it was best to be protected on all fronts. Her father always said ‘Be prepared for everything. Always plan for the worst.’
She chuckled to herself. Kate looked at her curiously.
“Oh, nothing.” Andy said still smiling.
She exited the elevator with Kate leading the way to the town car which would take her home. Kate said, “See you at the next meeting Mrs. Sachs Goldman.”
“Kate, please I’ve known you since I was a teenager. Call me Andy.”
“Alright. Andy. Take care of yourself.” Kate said, with a hesitant smile. Andy could tell she’d surprised her. Kate had been the family lawyer for years now and still Andy knew Kate didn’t really understand just how much she was, ‘her father’s daughter’.
Andy smiled back pleasantly and nodded.
Kate slid the town car’s door shut. Andy sat quietly on the ride back to her apartment building.
She sighed. She felt the baby move and touched her stomach gently. Henry hadn’t said anything about the child, but she knew him well enough to bet that he might try to take the child from her.
The baby squirmed again.
“Don’t worry baby. Nobody is going to take you away from me.” Andy murmured reassuringly. She was really quite tired out from the meeting. And Miranda had been on her mind for the last 24 hours straight. After what had happened during their last session…she really didn’t know what would happen next.
She watched the buildings fly by as the car moved through the city. It was grey and cloudy again today, but it wasn’t raining.
Andy knew this was just the calm before the storm.
-To be continued-
(A/n: I love to hear from my readers!)