Microfic Challenge. 12/12.

Jun 14, 2013 23:57

Title: Microfic Challenge. 12/12.
Characters: any in DWP and possible crossovers
Word Count: 120
Rating: G-R
Summary: Write a microfic of ten words or less in each type of fic that you can. This was originally brought to the DWP community by somniesperus, but I couldn’t find the link to her entry when I reposted the challenge to the community.
Disclaimer: standard disclaimer on my fic community and my LJ page
A/N: As part of my MOAR FICS Campaign in DWP, I have posted this challenge to see if folks will write a little and post a little, because a little goes a long way and it is not July yet.
A/N 2: Hee hee. And my first BSG fic. Don’t blink you’ll miss it!
A/N 3:  one of these was inspired by a tumblr image/caption I found yesterday from who knows when.  Guess which one :)  hahaha.

Microfic Challenge. 12/12.

1. Angst.

Watching her with the cane, Andrea fought back her tears.

2. AU.

Teeth at his neck, Jake remembered Alpha is their mom.

3. Crackfic.

‘Wings and a penis!?’ “Emily, it is my lucky day!”

4. Crossover.

Miranda raised an eyebrow at Roslin’s cylon accusation, “Copy perfection?”

5. Death.

Caroline’s wrist revealed her despair; Andrea’s arms answered with love.

6. Film related.

“What am I five?”

Inward sigh and thwarted nod, ‘yes.’

7. First Time.

“I can’t believe...”

“First time. How romantic.”




8. Fluff.

Miranda held the love note to her lips and smiled.

9. Humor.

“Emily, carbs now. That’s all.” Faints. Giggles.

“Not nice, Miranda.”

10. Hurt/Comfort.

Miranda kept walking. Andrea’s heart seized. “Medic!” Her heart soared.

11. Smut.

“I love when you fall asleep with my fingers still-”

12. UST.

“Nigel, why did you give her those boots?”

“That’s why.”



user: punky_96, all: fiction, length: micro-fic

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