Hey there. I've just come up with an idea for a very informal (like a beach vacation) yet very demanding (like Miranda Priestly on a beach vacation) fic-a-thon, and I thought I'd see if any folks in the comm would be up for playing.
1) Post fic to prompt fic. This is the most important rule of all, and the reason I describe this ficathon as "demanding." You don't need to wait for a prompt to begin posting. If you've been looking for an excuse to write the short story that's been rattling around in your mind, go ahead and do it! If it's short enough to post as a comment, post the whole thing in the text box. If it's too long to fit into one comment box, post the story on your journal and link to it in a comment here. (Refer to
this page if you don't know how to make a link.)
Comments containing stories should be structured like this:
Subject: [Title, Pairing, Rating, Prompt Fulfilled (if applicable)]
Example: The Umbrella Stand, Miranda/Andy, R, Prompt: Rihanna
Comment body: [Text of story] or [Link to story]
2) Once you've posted a fic, you can prompt an unlimited number of times. Please make each prompt in a separate comment for ease of organization. The subject line in prompt comments should be blank, and the comment body should specify pairing, the words or concepts you'd like to see written, etc. If you're responding to a specific prompt with a story, post your story as a reply to the comment containing the prompt.
3) If you want to write a story but you don't see a prompt you like, go ahead and write whatever type of story you want. After that, you can create prompts of interest to you!
4) The fic-a-thon starts now, and will stay open through 11:59 pm Eastern Standard Time on Sunday, August 21 Tuesday, August 23. (See? Quick and dirty.) Once it's all said and done, I'll try to do a round-up post.
5) General community rules re: content apply here. Any rating and DWP pairing is acceptable. If you think your story contains a trigger, please warn for the trigger and provide a link to the story rather than copy-and-pasted text. Please be cordial and supportive to the participants, and comment if you like what you're reading. I realize that this fic-a-thon might be a bit slow to get started, but I really like the idea of a fic-a-thon where there are almost as many stories as there are prompts. Don't worry too much about how it's all organized; the point is to motivate writing and to have fun!
Update: The Fic-a-Thon is officially closed. Thanks to all the participants and commenters. A masterlist will be posted to the community soon. Please note that I'm leaving the comments open, so feel free to continue letting the authors know what you liked! If you post a late story, either here or at your own LJ, feel free to PM me if you'd like it added to the masterlist. Either way, be sure to alert the community so we know there's a new story. Thanks, all!