New Fic

May 24, 2011 02:03

Title: Untitled
Author: sammalkorva 
Fandom: TDWP/au
Disclaimer: I would love to own the Devil Wears Prada, but I don't.
Pairings: Miranda/Andy
Summary: I suck with summaries. So you just have to read it. Sorry.
A/N: Conteins rape and some other things. Angsty, but it has happy ending.

Beta: Wonderful flyhiwithme2 . Thank you for doing this for me.

Credits: For beautiful insix who made me believe I can do this and encouraged me the whole way.. Thank you.

This is my first ever written story in english. So I really would like to know what you guys think about this..


It was the darkest moment of her life. Standing near the grave where her loved one was laid for eternal rest, her eyes shone with unshed tears that threatened to fall but she wouldn’t let them. She couldn’t let them. This was it; this was her lover’s forever. She won’t see her lovely face in the mornings anymore, the good morning smiles that made her days endurable. She won’t hear her beautiful voice and the answering machine won’t always be enough. There won’t be any “I love yous” or “I miss yous,” any cooing of love words during their endless nights where their bodies were one. She couldn’t tell her she loved her, she couldn’t feel her warmth. There was nothing, she felt nothing.
She was gone… Just moments ago they were talking about children and marriage, about spending their life together. She had never known love before her. She’d shown her what love was about, awakened emotions and feeling she’d never dreamt of feeling. Her heart was shattered, breathing made it hurt even more. Her breathing became staggered, she was angry, she was alone. She’d left her, she’d promised her forever and yet she’d left her.

Screaming didn’t help, after all, it wasn’t her fault. Blaming her was easier for a while but the truth eventually sunk. She’d cry at night, holding herself in a fetal position, trying to keep her body from shaking. She needed to be held and loved. She needed to cry and grieve. She needed her back.
Weeks went by. One by one and yet she remembered nothing. The sun shone mercilessly on her but the light didn’t seem to reach her. The moon kept her company at night, reminding her that a new day would come. Minutes and hours flew; days became blurred until she couldn’t take it. Taking her wallet and passport, she left their apartment without looking back.

pairing: andy/miranda, genre: au, all: fiction, user: sammalkorva

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