Title: Cold Comfort Author: trobadora Fandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood Pairing: Jack Harkness/Tenth Doctor Commentator: janne_d Warnings: Consent issues. Major spoilers for Torchwood: Children of Earth
Thank you so much - that is wonderful commentary, and you've no idea how happy it makes me. ♥ ♥ ♥
And let me just say ...
Something I like a lot about it though is that it isn't just Ianto that they see. He's not the only person Jack has lost after all, as the list he gave at the end of CoE also makes clear.
Yes! You can't narrow it down to just Ianto - it diminishes what Jack's going through, and I wanted to make that clear without going into too much detail. So glad you picked up on that!
Yay! And phew - commentating on someone else's story is surprisingly nervewracking! I'm glad you liked it - and very glad I picked up one of your important details too ♥
Comments 3
Thank you so much - that is wonderful commentary, and you've no idea how happy it makes me. ♥ ♥ ♥
And let me just say ...
Something I like a lot about it though is that it isn't just Ianto that they see. He's not the only person Jack has lost after all, as the list he gave at the end of CoE also makes clear.
Yes! You can't narrow it down to just Ianto - it diminishes what Jack's going through, and I wanted to make that clear without going into too much detail. So glad you picked up on that!
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