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stultiloquentia October 15 2008, 14:13:51 UTC
I love you.

...with the screen that's a window and a mirror depending on the polarization, and the world, the island paradise, rising up behind it, and the continuity of the water and sky on either side, and all the "beneath the surface" and "beyond the horizon" implications...

Yeah, I'm just grinning like a loon. Thanks for sharing.


stultiloquentia October 15 2008, 14:06:50 UTC
Eee, thanks! It was awesome fun. I'm only slightly grumpy because I meant to do a *better* job, really flex my shrivelling lit crit muscles, but then October leapt at me out of nowhere.

the real hero of this story is Fake John ... He's the realest of all of them.

I love this observation. He's the one who has the most agency by the end, too, isn't he? Or, no, that's not accurate; he's the one who thinks about and uses the agency he does have more successfully than the other three. He acts and manipulates the others into action.

a life and a body

Yes!! That's another call-and-answer I forgot to yak about up there: John stiff and clothed and inscrutable at the beginning of the story vs. John open and naked and emotive at the end. That's what we do. We give (write) our characters back their bodies. What a fun twist on the whole embodied actor vs. written fic character discussion.


teenygozer October 13 2008, 05:06:08 UTC
This is a very clever, witty commentary; it really opened my eyes to some of the amazing things the author did here and gave me a whole 'nother dimension of the story to enjoy. Seriously, most if not all of what you've pointed out here never occurred to me. You've really added to my appreciation of what was already a fabulous story.

Now I have to click through the excellent links you've gifted us with in the Good Reads section. :)


stultiloquentia October 15 2008, 13:28:40 UTC
Thanks! Isn't it wonderful how much is burbling just beneath the surface of this novel? It's perfectly readable as a plain, old, superficial romp, but the closer you peer, the cleverer it gets.

Enjoy those links. Busse and Hellekson's entire book is enormous fun, but if you don't have access to a university library, princessofg reviewed and hosted awesome discussions on each chapter. There's so much nifty stuff happening in meta- and acafandom right now. :)


cosmogonic October 13 2008, 21:25:42 UTC
I enjoyed this enormously.


stultiloquentia October 15 2008, 13:07:04 UTC
I'm glad! Thanks for saying so. :)


fanficfan October 19 2008, 08:12:37 UTC
Appreciated the informed insights into a work I had already enjoyed greatly. Thanks for the links to further reading and listening.


stultiloquentia October 19 2008, 14:45:40 UTC
Thank you! It was enormous fun to do.


vito_excalibur October 29 2008, 10:51:10 UTC
This is so good. This is exactly what DVD commentary should be, it just opens up the original text on all kinds of levels. You rock.


stultiloquentia October 29 2008, 14:53:56 UTC
The trick is in picking a really cool story to play with. :) I'm very glad you enjoyed, and thanks for saying so.


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