2012 Sign-Ups OPEN!

Oct 12, 2012 01:19

There are a few changes this year, so bear with me as I try to navigate all of these new formats. There are two key changes: the inclusion of tumblr and a different sign-up process. I've decided to include tumblr for any of those not familiar with livejournal. The sign-up process is different because I'm hoping this will help make organizing things a little bit easier for me, but we'll see how it goes. With that out of the way, here we go...

What is The Holiday Fruitcake Exchange?
A Secret Santa-style online gift exchange for Daniel/Vala fans. You make something for someone, someone makes something for you. Simple as that!

How does it work?
You need to fill out the form below, and after sign-ups close I will begin to pair everyone off according to their listed preferences.

What will be required of me?
If you choose to be a part of this exchange, you will need to be able to create a unique gift for your recipient. We all have different talents, so you only have to agree to things you feel comfortable making. Here is a sample guideline for what would be expected from an average gift (you would only need to pick one option unless you choose to mix and match):

+ 1,500-2,000 word fanfic
+ 15-20 icons
+ 2-3 wallpapers (or headers)
+ 2:00-minute video
+ 8-10 gifs
+ 15-30 cap picspam
+ (2) 6-song fanmixes or (1) 12-song fanmix (front + back covers)
+ Something else of your choosing!

What is the time-frame on this?
The timeline is listed below, only sign-up if you know you'll have time to make your gift!

Sign-Ups :: Oct 12th - Oct 30th
Pairing Announcements :: Nov 1st
Drop-Out Deadline :: Dec 1st
Gifts Due :: Dec 20th (extensions are possible if you contact me)

Still interested? PLEASE FILL OUT THIS FORM.

(if you have any problems with the form, please let me know and I can give you something to just fill out in the comments)


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