Beyond the Call (27 of who the heck knows?)

Aug 09, 2010 19:44

Title: Beyond the Call

Co-Authors: DuWinter & Ragelikeafire

Fandom: DWP

Pairing: Miranda/Andy

Rating: PG-13

Summery: Miranda is faced with the possibility of losing Andy soon after finding her.

Disclaimer: The Devil Wears Prada and it's characters do not belong to me. No profit being made here. I'm just playing with them for a short while and I promise to put them away neatly when I'm through.

Comment: Thank you for all the wonderful comments! Comments feed the muse and the Muse is feasting! But contrary little bastard that he is, like a puppy, he'll look me in the eye claiming never to have been fed. Comments and constructive criticism eagerly encouraged.

Notes: Deus ex machina in full effect. This is a work of fiction. I'm sure that some of my audience will find parts of it in error or stretching their credibility.

A/N 1: I know that members of the Ohio National Guard have served bravely in the conflicts overseas. I honor that service, as I do the service of all those in uniform. The 192nd Supply Regiment and the 161st Military Police Company, however, are fictitious units and do not exist.

A/N 2: This work is being written very differently from most of my writing endeavors. While the idea for this story has been in my mind for some time it only recently demanded to be written. I did not pursue the level of research I normally engage in. Some of my materials are pure fiction culled from watching TV and movies. I ask the reader to suspend disbelief and go with it.

A/N 3: There is a a very unpleasant character residing in this story. He is racist, misogynistic, corrupt, and one of those individuals the world would truly be a better place without. He is a fictional character and his views in no way express the views of the author of this piece.

A/N 4: The President and the First Lady (both of whom I admire greatly) have become characters in this story and appear in this installment. I try to write them carefully and with humanity.I mean them no disrespect.

Very Special Thanks: to Ragelikeafire. I've stopped kidding myself and have given her a well deserved co-author credit. The ideas are mine, the beauty and flow of language hers. This work is SO MUCH BETTER because of her efforts on its behalf.

Very Special Thanks: to Needled_ink1975, for being my sounding board and for constructively giving me a kick in the ass when I need one.

DeSaix stood and adjusted the service ribbons on Andy's chest. She stepped back and looked at her handy work. An aide to the American Ambassador to Italy stood close by.

“What they tell me Corporal,” The Ambassador's aide said in heavily accented English, “is that you will be taken by car from here to where they are having the ceremony. There, you will be decorated by the hand of the President, and then there will be a press photograph shoot. After the photograph shoot you will attend the celebration dinner. I imagine that they will want you to say something, so you may want to prepare some words.”

Andy nodded, feeling numb inside. She had stood on the balcony of her room this morning for ten minutes as the crowd below had grown wilder and wilder, cheering and screaming her name. It had made her feel like a complete fraud. They were cheering for a hero and Andy felt herself anything but that. Heroes were brave, fearless, she was scared and empty. Still, she reasoned, if her being here and playing the part the Army wanted her to play could save even one life in Afghanistan then it would be worth it. This wouldn’t last forever, soon she would go home. Home, to New York and her girls, to the family that she had built in a different life, the life that she couldn't quite remember yet but in her heart, she knew it was where she belonged.


Miranda sat patiently in the restaurant, awaiting the arrival of Vernon Avery, her companion for lunch. The truth though was that the patience she exuded was a façade, she had run out of patience days ago and now she knew she would do anything it took to get to her precious love.

According to Emily, her Andrea was in Italy on an assignment for the Army. There was some nonsense about a 'good will' tour. Miranda pursed her lips as she thought about the situation, it simply wouldn't do. She and Andrea were on completely different continents. If she'd only known while she was in Paris, she knew that could have been there to greet Andrea on her arrival. However, it seemed that for some inexplicable reason, everyone had lost their minds and decided to keep secrets from her. Emily was one of those people who had hidden the truth, but the events of the last twenty-four hours had forced Miranda to realize something that she had simply taken for granted for the past two and a half years; Emily was one hundred percent loyal to her and the magazine and she had earned her respect. Miranda knew that this was why she hadn’t jumped on the first plane to Italy. She was fully aware that she had acted appallingly in how she had treated Emily. She had apologized for her actions. However, she couldn’t leave yet, Emily needed her and that meant she would do everything in her power to help her. Once Miranda had gone to Italy and returned to New York with Andrea at her side, she could consider what came next for Emily. Some kind of punishment for keeping secrets would be necessary; discipline had to be consistent to be effective. But perhaps a promotion as well...or a significant raise...Perhaps if she offered a significant raise Emily would agree to stay the First Assistant and Miranda could begin grooming her for greater things.

Miranda ran through her to do list in her head, everything that she needed to do before heading back to Europe. She needed to bend Avery to her will, thus giving Emily all the tools she would need to save the career and reputation the Army Officer, DeSaix. She needed to check in with General Kieffer to ensure that her ‘little surprise’ gift had garnered the favor that she required and she needed to speak with her ex-husband and do some family damage control over the press stories and general internet gossip that she had no doubt generated that week.

Vernon Avery rushed into the busy restaurant. He had chosen Ray's: The Steaks, as he knew Miranda was partial to a good steak and it would offer the anonymity that they would require during the busy lunch seating. He was late and felt foolish, he had kept the Iconic Miranda Priestly waiting for him and he knew perfectly well that no one kept her waiting without consequence. His tardiness was a result of the argument he had been caught up in with the Senator’s aide on the telephone. The idiot had some idea of creating an incident that would result in Lieutenant DeSaix dishonorable discharge from the Army and he’d had the nerve to request his assistance. Vernon had chosen to politely refuse, claiming his schedule too full with commitments to other clients, but he knew the Senator would not be pleased with his answer.

He greeted Miranda warmly before he sat down. The conversation remained light and witty throughout, Miranda had been the epitome of a charming host, though he knew Miranda well enough to know that her request to meet would not have been purely social. She would have an ulterior motive and her small talk throughout would have contained snippets of valuable information that he was meant to store away for later use. Most would not suspect that Vernon Avery was a lyrical and literary man. His love of books and reading, especially the classics, were among his many well-guarded secrets. He found himself musing that he was sitting across from Alice's nemesis; the beautiful and terrible Red Queen.

As the meal came to an end, he felt the shift in the conversation and knew Miranda had come to her purpose.

“Vernon,” she smiled across the table. “I have a friend who is going to contact you very soon. You've encountered her before so you'll know her when you see her. I want you to do exactly as she asks. Treat her as you would me. Once this is over, Avery. I'll consider all of our outstanding accounts balanced.”

Avery nodded and returned the smile. His day had improved considerably.  The balance sheet of favors was tipping back to even with Miranda and he savored the idea of having had such a charming companion for lunch.  Something new to sink his teeth into was just an added bonus, the sweet bon bon treat at the end of the meal. “Of course Miranda,” he answered. I'll look forward to meeting your friend.”


It was quite unusual for Ian Sutherland to find himself sitting in the public library on a Saturday afternoon. His weekends were normally spent on the track or the Soccer field, instead he was studying. As he flicked through open reference volumes on the desk before him, he reminded himself that it was for a good reason and that if he played the game well he would win just as he did every weekend.

His yellow legal pad already had a page and a half of entries and citations that he had jotted down in the shorthanded scrawl he used to write his personal notes. Octopi, he repeated in his mind, as grinned at the image of the beautiful monster of the deep on the page. His project partner Heather Lear had been none to happy when he'd suggested doing their project on this particular member of the invertebrates, but although disgusted, she'd acquiesced immediately. She was just like the rest of them, he thought. A sheep, looking for that social leg up to one day become the wolf. Ian knew that she was using him, she had already unsubtly suggested, and that they could learn a lot from studying biology together and Ian suspected that Heather’s intention was to make their partnership more than just academic. He glanced across the table at the girl, in his opinion, she was certainly pretty enough, but she lacked that spark, as the French say that ‘je ne sais quoi’. Not like Caroline, he thought. Heather lacked Caroline’s strength, her fire and ironically, considering Caroline was a twin; Heather lacked her ability to be an individual.

He scratched another note about the hunting behavior of the Octopi, whilst another part of his brain considered his next move. It wouldn't do to give Heather the wrong idea. He didn't want to use deception except as a last resort. That was her game, not his. He needed to find out who had defiled Cassidy's locker so that he could help her and then, perhaps, win favor with her sister. He had been thinking about their first date all Semester and he knew without doubt where he would take her. He had heard that she liked classical music and his father had told him that the British Embassy were hosting a chamber quartet for the spring awakening season, at an Embassy gathering. It seemed like a good place to start, he knew she would love the Baroque pieces, the setting and as his father was a British Ambassador, he knew he would have no problems getting in, as long as they were chaperoned. He jotted another note, before starting the annoying small talk with Heather. “So,” he said softly, respecting the quiet rule of all libraries, “what's going on with Cassidy Priestly?”

Heather snorted. “Oh my God, Have you like seen how she's dressing?” She said trying not to laugh. “And hanging out with a loser like Gilchrist. I mean even if Cassidy is a Lezzy couldn't she do better than the bride of Frankenstein?”

Ian jotted another note on his pad, his eyes carefully down trying not to react to her immature words. He didn't want to give her a clue how angry she had made him. “Somebody painted something on her locker I hear?” he offered to the conversation softly.

Heather chuckled, a derisive sound, “Oh that was Shawn, he’s such a loser. He wants to get into Ashlyn's pants. She suggested it and like the brain dead puppy he is, he just totally did it.”

Ian nodded. “So Ashlyn is out to get Cassidy because she's Gay?” He asked, still looking at his companion.

“Oh please!” Heather sneered. “She doesn't care about Cassidy being Gay as long as she is Gay with the right girl. That Gilchrist freak is so far off the scale of acceptance, it’s just wrong. Ashlyn is out for blood and that includes Caroline.”

Ian looked up from his paper at the mention of Caroline. “What did Caroline do?” He asked trying not to give himself away.

“You have to know how she and her sister are attached at the hip. If Cassidy has gone Goth then Caroline isn't far behind. And the twins are really popular. If they change their image, then it won’t be long before half of Ashlyn's circle change too. Then where would she be? Caroline stood up to Ashlyn; did you think she would let that fly? If she let’s her get away with it, it’s like an open invitation to let anyone challenge her authority and do things there own way. Where would that leave her. Out on her ass, that's where.”

Ian nodded and looked down again to his pad, absently jotting another note. Inside he was seething. He now had the information that he, the Headmaster and the School Disciplinarian wanted, but somehow just turning it over to them didn't seem like it would be enough. He knew how these things worked. The wealthy and privileged were treated differently; he’d been through enough schools and sat at both ends of the scale to see it first hand. The reality was that Ashlyn likely wouldn't be expelled as Mr. Lambert has suggested. Her parents were extremely wealthy and at a school like Dalton, Ian knew that was what mattered the most. Ashlyn's committed assault on Cassidy and her planned assault on Caroline deserved retribution and he would see to it that she felt it.

Heather continued her happy and oblivious small talk as Ian let his mind turn toward his new purpose.


Carol Rodriguez liked to imagine of herself as a free spirited individual. She liked to spend hours considering the complexities of her nature, as she stood leaning on the counter of the mind numbingly boring fast food job. Her current job was just another stopgap in her search for the easy life. On which allowed her to continue to model her behavior as she had done her whole life. Which, was to do as little as possible, with maximum benefits. That had been a problem in the army, she’d fool-heartedly joined up thinking that she wouldn’t have to work for it, that she would be handed the stability she needed, it would be somewhere she could belong and a steady paycheck. However, she soon found that it was not going to be as easy as that and she found that following rules and being part of a team was not for her. Therefore, Ex-Private Carol Rodriguez got herself thrown out of the U.S. Army for bad conduct. It had been easy enough to get out, all she had to do was follow her natural instincts. She had instigated fights in the barracks, missed parade countless times and been caught by the MP’s on numerous occasions for being absent without leave. All of the offenses had earned her some serious fines and even some weekends in the stockades but the final straw had been the petty theft charge. They had never been able to prove it but with her tarnished record, they didn’t need the proof, the Chain of Command had no option but to terminate her service. So, one year and six months into her enlistment she achieved her goal and was dishonorably discharged from the U.S Army for bad conduct.

As she continued to lean on the counter and dream about her way out of the current greasy hole she had found herself in, she was interrupted by her Manager. He summoned her back into the miserable rat den of an office, which weirdly, he was proud of. It was a dank and cramped room with a desk, a rusty filing cabinet and two grimy chairs. She expected to be spoken to, about daydreaming at the registers again. But she was surprised and suspicious to find a young man in a suit and tie sitting on one of the grimy chairs waiting there. The young man rose to his feet and offered her his hand. “Ms. Rodriguez?” He asked.

The suit was too expensive for him to be a cop, but he definitely had the look of an official written all over him.. When bureaucrats came looking for you it usually spelled trouble, she thought. She cautiously nodded her head. “Who wants to know?” She asked.

“My name is Phillip Garner.” he replied. “I work for a United States Senator, in Washington.” He looked over to the restaurant Manager who was hovering. “Would you excuse us please? Government business, you understand...”

When the Manager had left, closing the door behind him, the young man smiled. “Ms. Rodriguez, we have a proposition for you. How would you like to go to Italy, all expenses paid?”

The Conversation with the Senator's Aide hadn't been all sweet and nice. He had known many things about her, things that she had tried to tried to keep secret. He had all the details of her dishonorable discharge, her criminal record from several States and all her little misdemeanors including the outstanding bench warrant from Mississippi for shoplifting. He'd made it clear that it was the carrot, or the stick. If she did what they wanted, she got an all expenses paid trip to Italy, and five grand cash on her return. However, if she refused, they had all the information they needed to make her life very difficult.

What they wanted was simple enough really. They needed her to 'accidentally' bump into her old fling, Meriwether DeSaix, who was on a military mission in Rome. Once reacquainted, she was tasked with ruining the Creole woman’s life and career.

Rodriguez had met DeSaix just over three years ago in a sleazy bar just outside Fort Jackson in South Carolina. Rodriguez had been working for an unpleasant, over-weight bald man with grabby hands in an establishment that was ripping off the Hooter's concept. DeSaix had come into the civilian bar with a group of male Soldiers for a few pitchers of beer and Rodriguez had noticed her beautiful face and smile from the moment she had entered. It wasn’t long into her shift before Mr. 'Grabby hands' began his usual inappropriate touching and before she could bat his hands away, DeSaix had appeared to snatch his hands away and remind the man of his manners. The Soldiers had damn near drunk the place dry that night and DeSaix hadn’t taken her eyes off her the entire time. After she finished her shift, Rodriguez had found DeSaix waiting for her in the parking lot and so began their six-month torrid affair.

DeSaix became a regular at the bar and whenever she had leave, they spent time together off base. It was a good arrangement as far as Rodriguez was concerned. DeSaix helped her out with money every payday and she treated her well... Although they had little in common, they were good in the sack together and had a few laughs. There was a lot that she kept from DeSaix. She was happy to take her money, but whenever DeSaix was on duty, Rodriguez believed that she was free to do what she wanted and sleep with whom she wanted, as long as DeSaix didn’t ever find out. Then after a few months, DeSaix went and ruined everything, by starting to get serious. She began pushing Rodriguez to try and 'better' herself. She even offered to pay for her to go back to school or study for a trade. She wanted a future, a home and someone to settle down with when she left the Army. But, it was all too much for Rodriguez, she didn’t want the commitment and she liked herself just as she was. So, without DeSaix's knowledge or encouragement, Rodriguez decided that if they were going to be together it would be on her terms and enlisted in the Army, naively thinking that once she was in, DeSaix would simply be able to pull all the necessary strings and she could have an easy ride for the term of her enlistment. When she told DeSaix the news, she couldn’t understand why her lover was so angry and upset. DeSaix explained that while she was proud that she was doing something as important as becoming a Soldier, fraternization, she'd explained, was against the rules and so DeSaix put an end to the relationship. Soon after that, the Officer was deployed to Iraq and Rodriguez found herself in what she considered to be hell.

Now even if she was being blackmailed, she had a chance to get her retribution and come out of it without a scratch and wad of cash in her pocket. She decided to renegotiate with Mr. Garner on the way to the Airport. For another five grand she'd give them Meriwether DeSaix on a silver platter.


The early evening in the streets of Rome had been surreal for Andy and her entourage. The car that was supposed to take them to the ceremony hadn't been able to go a half a mile from the hotel before it was overwhelmed by the crowds in the street and unable to move forward.

Being of a military mentality and on a schedule, DeSaix decided that they would walk to the site of ceremony, which was some two miles in the distance. But, she had not counted on the enthusiasm of the crowd for their chosen hero. Their walk had turned into a parade and walking either side of the hero meant that she and Scruggs were treated as if they were the moon to her sun. DeSaix wondered if this was what it was like for the American Soldiers, who had liberated areas of Italy during the Second World War. There were flowers pressed into her hands and the women leaned in enthusiastically to steal kisses from a blushing Scruggs. Andy was at the center of a maelstrom, each member of the crowd desperately wanted a piece of her. To touch her, to garner a smile and to wish her well in her recovery. DeSaix and Scruggs tried to remain in escort formation but even with Scruggs enormous bulk the crowd was not cooperating. It wasn’t long before Andy was lifted up and swept away on the shoulders of half a dozen admirers in the midst of a surging sea of cheering people as DeSaix and Scruggs struggled to keep up.

The Italian officials had chosen the courtyard of the Palazzo del Quirinale, as the site where Corporal Andrea Sachs would receive the Golden Decorazione per Eroico Servizio, the medal that the Italian Parliament had created to hang around the neck of the People's hero. The Prime Minister and the President of the Republic stood on the dais and watched as the young woman, who had caught the imagination of the populace, was carried in on the shoulders of their cheering compatriots. It was a good day for those in power. Today the people were happy, basking in the light of their Government enacting their wishes. Opposing sides of the parliament stood side by side on the platform in unity. This national fervor had caused ripples through the country. Even going so far as to unite the opposing political parties in constructive and amicable chat.

Arabella Messalina Giovanni smiled from her privileged place on the dais as she caught her first glimpse of the woman that, if she had her way, would soon be hers. She knew that the hero had been badly wounded. She had prepared herself for the scarred countenance but instead saw a beautiful young woman carried in on the shoulders of the cheering crowd. Bella subtlety licked her lips. Perhaps this wasn't going to be as much of a self-sacrifice as she had thought.


The President and the First Lady walked arm in arm through the White House Rose Gardens. “So, the idea that the Pentagon had was a good one.” The President offered in light conversation with his wife. “The Italians are really taken with her and the numbers show that the support for American interests in the Middle East, have rocketed all over Europe due to the European press coverage.”

His tone and presentation spoke a million words. Michelle had been married to him long enough to know that he wanted something from her. She continued to walk in silence, enjoying a few precious moments together among the roses. She knew he'd eventually come to the point.

“So,” the President said, “you've had some contact with this Miranda Priestly. You know something about her...”

Michelle smiled. So that was it, she thought. The local Press hadn't missed that Miranda was in D.C. and, the International Press was playing merry hob with it’s speculation on why the reigning Queen of fashion publishing had walked out on Paris Fashion week. Michelle had followed the story with interest. Once Miranda had left, others had followed suit. Numerous other fashion magazines and many of the fashion houses evidently took their queues from her and had also folded their tents and gone home early. According to the European Press the final shows of Paris fashion week had resembled a ghost town. Michelle turned and smiled a smile at her husband.

Her smile told him that she knew exactly what he was up to, but he continued. “She has a connection to Corporal Sachs doesn't she? He confirmed and Michelle nodded. “Some of my people are concerned that she may...interfere in some way with the mission in Italy...”

Michelle continued to smile in amusement. “It's possible,” she answered softly. “I'm almost surprised that she hasn't flown out for Italy already.”

Her Husband stopped and looked around, to check that the Secret Service chaperons were out of earshot. “Michelle,” he said softly, “this is important, I need to know. Is the mission in jeopardy?”

Michelle looked down and smiled. “I'll invite Miranda in for coffee. She's a reasonable woman. I'll speak with her.”

The President looked down and sighed. “Can you tell me what's going on?” He asked.

Michelle reached up and touched his face and smiled at the man she loved. “No,” she answered, “I can't. You're the Commander-in-Chief. If I were to tell you what's going on you'd be duty bound to act on what you know. Just let me deal with Miranda. I'll take care of it.”

The President sighed again and nodded. “”I'm supposedly the most powerful man in the world and everybody, including my wife, wants to keep secrets from me,” he replied plaintively.


Serena was buried under a mountain of flowers. The arrangements and other lavish gifts had begun to arrive at Miranda's office early on the Saturday morning and had continued throughout the day. Both the inner and the outer offices had begun to look like Macy's Flower Show. Serena had immediately started a list of who had sent what. It seemed that every major and minor fashion house were tendering their apologies to the fashion maven for their failure to keep her interest during the shows in Paris.

Hidden amongst the many blossoms, she let her mind wander. An idea began to form in the back of her mind. Richard, her White Knight had said that when the case was settled, he would return home to Cincinnati. She had never been to Cincinnati but she was certain that it was not as cosmopolitan as the Big Apple. Her mind turned to what she wanted and how to accomplish it. She wanted Richard to stay in New York, to stay with her. She dearly wished that Emily was here to advise her. Emily had a devious twist of mind and could always come up with innovative ways to solve a problem and if necessary come at it sideways.

She finished the latest entry on to her list of self-deprecating fashion houses and turned to a rack of clothing to be cataloged for the closet. Agent Provocateur had outdone themselves with their submissions, for consideration and inclusion in Runway’s spring edition. As she ran her fingers over the delicate pieces of silk and lace, she had a sudden vision of her candle-lit apartment strewn with the flowers that filled the main office. In the vision, she was standing amongst the riot of color, wearing the beautiful lingerie, opening her arms to the man that she wanted in her life. She smiled and considered that, perhaps, she had learned more from Emily than she'd thought.


Cassidy had chosen Tomoe Sushi, a five star sushi restaurant in the West Village as the place to introduce her Father to her girlfriend. This had surprised Wade because he knew that his daughter didn't really like fish, never mind raw fish. Roxanna Gilchrist, however, apparently did like it and that was what was important to Cassidy. As Wade participated in introductory small talk, Caroline sat quietly at her place, with a plate of fresh Tempura before her and silently smiled through most of the conversation. It felt wonderful to Caroline to simply sit and bask in the glow that was emanating from her twin. Happiness came off Cassidy in waves and Caroline felt like a sponge, just soaking it up. She wondered if she'd ever felt her sister so happy. She had already decided that what her sister was feeling was worth it, even if it lasted for a day, a month or for years. Sometime in the last twenty-four hours, without conscious consideration, she had decided that what Cassidy had was worth fighting for. That meant that Caroline would stand up to anything, up to and including her mother to protect what she had. If Ashlyn Miller and her posse at school wanted a fight, Caroline mused, they were going to get one.

Roxanna was on her best behavior. She had never been invited to meet her girlfriend's parent before, in fact she had never even been acknowledged as a girlfriend before, and so this made her extra nervous.

Wade could see how jittery the young girl was. But, it was obvious that she had captured his Daughter's heart, and he decided to give her break and kept the conversation light. As the evening progressed, he was more and more favorably impressed with the young girl. In addition, he now had the ammunition he needed for what he feared would be a Battle Royale with his ex-wife.


As she returned to her hotel and before she entered the lobby, two men in dark suits and dark glasses approached Miranda Priestly They had Secret Service written all over them. The two men introduced themselves briefly and then escorted Miranda by the arms into a waiting black limousine.

Inside the vehicle, Miranda found herself in the presence of the First Lady. The Secret Service agent closed the door and waited on the curb as instructed and Michelle raised the privacy screen before turning to Miranda. “Sorry for the cloak and dagger, Miranda,” she said softly, smiling at the First Lady of Fashion. “But if I'd asked you to coffee tomorrow morning you would have told me you had a flight to catch.”

Miranda, eyes narrowed. “No, tomorrow morning I will already be somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean.” She replied.

Michelle nodded. “I'm sorry Miranda. I know how you feel about Ms. Sachs, but I need to ask you a favor. I have been asked to politely remind you, how important her visit to Europe is, to this country and for the war effort. Any interference with what's going on over there would not be tolerated. So I am asking you as a friend to stay put so that Ms. Sachs can finish the mission she's been sent on.”

Michelle watched Miranda’s eyes turn to ice and pursed lips in clear disgust.

“What would you do Michelle? Would you stay?” She said quietly, in a voice so low that one had to shut up and listen for. “If it was the person you loved and you knew they were alone?”

Michelle nodded. “I understand what you are saying. But if they were a soldier and under orders...yes, I would. Even though I know, it would be the hardest thing I'd ever done. I believe that, for once, the Pentagon knows what it's doing. What Ms. Sachs...”

“Andrea,” Miranda snapped, “her name is Andrea.”

Michelle nodded gently and smiled a small sad smile. “Andrea is on a hearts and minds mission, Miranda. One that, for once, we can win.” Michelle reached beside her and touched a button on a remote control. A television screen in the back of the limo lit up with Rai: the Italian news channel and there was Andrea, being lauded by the Italian People at the airport. Michelle watched Miranda's eyes go soft and saw the powerful woman almost strain towards the image. The commentary was in Italian but that did not matter, as she knew Miranda was multi-lingual as was she. “She has two good soldiers with her who have been assigned to be her escorts,” Michelle explained, before switching the channel, to France24. The French Commentator spoke over a photograph of Andrea, wrapped in a bathrobe on a balcony. “The American Embassy in Rome has a team looking after her. Any and everything she might need will be provided,”. She switched the channel again to N24 and Miranda saw Andrea on a street among a crowd this time with German commentary over the video.

Miranda's eyes widened and then again narrowed. “You're using the European Press to manipulate American coverage,” she almost whispered. “You know that the imbecilic American press will follow suit. You intend to use Andrea to mold the American public’s opinion.”

Michelle nodded. “In order to convince Congress, that the war is valid and to continue to fund support for our troops in the field.”

“And the American government will provide everything she needs. Everything, except the care of someone that loves her.” Miranda grated.

“I've been told that she doesn't remember anything from the last three years, Miranda,” Michelle sighed. “I can't imagine how you must feel about that, and I can easily imagine that you want to help her, in some way. But if you go to Italy there's a chance that you could upset or confuse her, and we need her there, Miranda. We need her on point and thinking about the mission. We'd like to avoid anything that might jeopardize it's success.”

Miranda looked at the First Lady. Her voice was cold and empty when she spoke. “And how, pray tell, do you intend on stopping me from going to her? Am I not a citizen of a free country? Do I need to start quoting the bill of rights?”

Michelle nodded. “Yes, of course you are, Miranda. I have no power to stop you. As a friend, I can only ask that you to help me with what is considered a vitally important mission to your Government.”

Miranda pursed her lips and sat back. “Damn you,” she whispered behind clenched teeth.

In the following moments, Michelle bore witness to the transformation from Miranda her friend to the Devil in Heels. “Here are my terms,” Miranda stated coldly. “As soon as Andrea is finished with this mission, she is to be granted terminal leave from the National Guard. Her discharge will be final with no threat of recall, and this will happen immediately upon her return to U.S soil. Finally unless she wishes it otherwise, I want her to be brought back to New York where I will meet her on her return, is that understood?”

Michelle nodded and smiled. “As long as she doesn't object, I think I can arrange that...”

status: wip, all: fiction, pairing: andy/miranda, title: beyond the call, rating: pg-13, user: duwinter

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