The acupuncturist predicted on the 7th that I would go into labor that night or the next day. But there wasn't really anything until the evening of the 8th so I was discouraged. I told The Husband to go ahead to work in the afternoon.
Birth story this way, that means blood and stuff. No pictures this post. )
Comments 5
Man - good thing you were at the hospital this time around. Maybe you've discussed this before, but why'd you decide that?
The hospital food I've experienced (at Mercy, where I had my babies, and at Children's, where Sly was for a long time) has raged from mediocre-good.
"aggressively banal" - ha
1) True. We do not have gas. I wish we did, because I feel I could avoid an epidural if I could just stop freaking out about the pain. But two babies and two epidurals later, I don't think that's going to happen. My anxiety is too much.
2) Holy cow. I'm glad they got that under control. I had a 7 minute contraction that was causing Julia to have a deceleration and people started rushing and yelling down the hall and pulling out huge needles to stab me with to get drugs in fast. Fortunately, in the time it took them to get the drugs out, I was able to squeeze the kid out, so I wasn't jabbed. I can't imagine an IV in that environment. And good on your husband for not freaking out, either.
3) Like you, we wanted Vivian to be the first to know Julia's name. This really annoyed a bunch of family, but too bad. It is something special for us.
4) I LOVE her name! I love the name Mary (hence Vivian's middle name) and don't think Edith is nearly as common as it should be. Such a beautiful name.
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