dinner most fowl

Mar 10, 2013 22:14

I made a whole chicken in the crockpot with baby potatoes and carrots. I put it together during naptime and set it to high, and we ate about four hours later. I'm really glad I did because by the time actual dinner-making time rolled around I was depressed again and glad I didn't have to cook. I hate being so keyed-up. I feel a bit like a zebra on ( Read more... )

joye: domestic entrepreneur, food glorious food

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Comments 2

FROZEN GRAPES! joetexx March 11 2013, 15:44:18 UTC
Especially red or black seedless.

Children will revere your memory all their lives if you supply this treat frequently on hot summer days.


magpiefirefly March 12 2013, 21:27:10 UTC
There is something about a whole chicken. I like to roast chickens and hoard the bones (only in my freezer, not Girl, Interrupted style) to make broth for soup for the next big holiday or big whole-house illness.

My kid has been carbo-loading, too. I think it is because she is a toddler and because I don't have energy. One thing I've found that is GREAT is fruit leather. I keep about 20 in the car, so we don't need to share anymore.

I've also bought a bunch of berries and bananas lately. I learned you need both to balance the kid out. My daughter will seriously eat a pint of blueberries in one sitting if I let her, and spend the next day with purple poo all day.


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