Three applications you have voted on:
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Name/Nickname: Laura
Gender: Female
Would you mind if you are stamped as the opposite gender?: Go for it
Is this a re-stamp? If it is, who were you previously stamped as?: --
What do you like/love: UUH SLEEPING. Most of the time. But I also kinda like staying up until five or six in the morning for shits and giggles.
I also really love psychology, history, and anthropology. I guess they call those social sciences. But people can be really interesting sometimes, so it's fun learning about them--how they tick, what they've done, how they live, and why. I love it so much I can't pick a major out of the three, oops. I also kinda like philosophy, or at least having philosophical debates and playing devil's advocate. Also, I'd be lying if I said I didn't like drama and chaos. It sucks to be in the middle of it all, but it's pretty interesting and fun to watch if you're just an observer. Or, hell, I can't say I don't enjoy being in the middle of it sometimes.
Also, reading. Sometimes I'll sit down and just read. And I love cats. There are other cute things I love too, like fish, but cats are at the top of my list.
What do you dislike/hate: I hate being bored. A lot of my energy is put into preventing myself from being bored, and when I do get bored, I feel miserable. It's not that I don't have stuff to do, I just have to be in a mood to do it. I also really hate being ignored. Sometimes I try to go about being unnoticed and that's cool, but if I'm trying to get someone's attention and they make an active effort to ignore me, I get mad. I also don't like bitchiness or rudeness (which may be hypocritical of me oops), so if someone's ignoring me and being a bitch, I really don't like them. Also, I hate it when people are negative. Or at least when they sit there and complain without doing anything. Like when they make a big deal out of a tiny thing and post shit about how much their life sucks. If you hate something about your life that much, do something about it, don't just sit there bitching and magically expect everything to get better. I'll excuse actual mental conditions, since I wouldn't tell a person to just get over any other sort of condition, but otherwise, I just get really annoyed. And I hate being nagged and told what to do, and when people invade my personal space (which could either be them getting too close without permission or coming into my room without permission).
And I really hate it when my computer freezes when I'm in the middle of doing something.
Strengths: I'm confident, supposedly intelligent, funny (according to most), playful, and I can be very ambitious and motivated, if I'm in the mood. I'm pretty easy-going most of the time, unless you do something that annoys me, and I'm not too high-key; my energy level tends to stay somewhere between low and medium, though I do get excited on occasion. I'm calm most of the time and I have my emotions mostly in check, as well. I also think I'm at least somewhat charismatic, since people seem to be drawn to me, but I'm not sure if that's because of actual charm or if watching me is like watching a train wreck. I'm also good at lying, but that might be a bad thing.
Weaknesses: Most of the time, I'm a lazy bum who lives only by her whims and only does what she wants to do. I have plans for the future, but right now, I'd rather dick around and just have fun. I also do enjoy drama, which is never good for a peaceful existence; I can't say whether or not I actively seek it out, but it does seem to be drawn to me. I love teasing my friends, and while this is normally fine, sometimes I go a bit far and end up hurting someone or just end up being a bitch in general. In arguments, I always have to have the last word, and I'm pretty vengeful--if I'm wronged, I try my damnedest to make the person who hurt me hurt. I also hold grudges and can be very jealous and petty. And while I try to keep my emotions in check most of the time, I am prone to snapping and having an extreme reaction, since I do keep it all bottled up inside. Also, my morals are questionable at best, and I have been known to do some pretty shitty things to stop myself from being bored.
Describe your personality: I'm a pretty easy-going person, most of the time. I'm calm the majority of the time, and rarely serious; I'm not really a stick in the mud, and I like to have fun. I'm very much about having fun, even if it's irresponsible. I'm both predictable and unpredictable, and people tell me I'm hard to read--my motives for doing things are sometimes unclear. I'm intelligent, but lazy; I'm the type of person who never studies and does all assignments at the last minute, yet still passes the class with an A or a B. I even used to sleep through almost every single class in high school. I don't like to let myself get bored, so I'm usually doing something, though sometimes I just want to sit there and do nothing. I'm independent for the most part, and only do what I want to do, though sometimes I try to take on some responsibility. And despite everything, I do care deeply for those who are close to me. They're just a very select group.
Hobbies: Dicking around online, reading, sleeping.
Goals/Dreams: I'm going to lead a revolution one day. I haven't decided if it's going to be the peaceful protest kind or the molotov-throwing kind, but either way, I'm gonna try to make a change. I thought about getting elected into office and changing things from the inside out, but I'm not that electable so it's gonna be a forceful thing.
Fears: The thought of dying is a bit frightening, especially if I die before I do everything I want to do. I'm also kinda scared of being totally alone.
Favorite Color: Blue, purple, and gray. I just think they look pretty, no deep, significant reason.
Mature or Childish?: Both. I do some pretty damn immature things, but I'm not a brat. I'm responsible sometimes and I can be serious. I'd just rather have fun.
Lead or Follow?: Leading's too much work, and following's no fun. I either go solo or act as an advisor.
Outgoing or Shy? Neither. I'm not outgoing, but I'm not shy. I keep to myself, but it's not out of shyness.
Upbeat or Calm?: Both! I'm calm most of the time, but I'm also pretty upbeat. I'm not bouncing-off-the-walls upbeat, but I am definitely upbeat.
Impulsive or Cautious?: Impulsive. Sometimes I even have trouble controlling my impulses. I've gotten better, at least when it comes to violence, but I still do some pretty risky stuff because it seemed like a good idea at the time.
Logical or Imaginative?: I'm logical, but people without an imagination are boring.
And Here's DURARARA!!
Favorite Character and WHY: SIMON. I couldn't pick a favorite between Shizuo and Izaya, and they're too popular anyway, so I decided on a third party. And I don't like him just because he's Russian (though that is a plus). He's just...really likable. He says some good stuff, that guy. I'd eat at Russia Sushi every day too.
What do you think about the series? Good? Bad? Any opinions?: I don't believe in good and bad. It's enjoyable.
Whose character design is the best according to you?: I love Shizuo's design. And Celty's.
Any favorite pairings?: Shinra/Celty. THEY'RE SO CUTE.
What episode that appeals to you the most?: I can't be bothered to remember episode numbers. But I liked the earlier ones better.
Masaomi is asking you to hang out with him and he lets you choose where to go! So, to what kind of place would you go to?: RUSSIA. SUSHI.
Have you ever thought of doing suicide?: This is such an awkwardly-phrased question. But no, I haven't. Life's too entertaining to leave now.
Do you believe in legends/myths?: Sometimes, when I feel like it. Though if you gave me actual proof, I'd have no choice but to believe 100% of the time.
What kind of sushi do you like?: Human sushi. I mean. Unagi.
You encounter a gang/dangerous person/someone who wants to hurt you-- real bad! What course of action would you take if you happen to meet them?: How many are there? I could probably take them. I've never taken a real self-defense class, but I do know a few moves, how to throw people bigger than me, and where to hit. I also carry around pepper spray, which is an advantage. But really, how sad is it for an entire group to take on a single girl all alone? If I didn't feel like shouting, I could just scream and attract attention. Random people may not do anything, but most people are pretty against being judged, even by strangers.
You are about to be transferred to another city so that you can attend a particular school there! Sounds like fun! What kind of things do you expect upon moving there?: What's to expect? Wouldn't it depend on the city? But I guess places are always filled with the same kinds of people, so the usual. I adapt pretty quickly, even if I don't particularly like major changes.
Do you prefer to make friends on the Internet (or any other long-distance communication) or by meeting them in person? Doesn't matter. It's easier online, though. And I prefer making enemies online.
Please describe how you look or share a picture if you have one: Too lazy to get a picture, but I'm of average height, Hispanic (though some people say I look white, and others say I appear very Hispanic. So I guess it just depends on how you look at it), and I have short and usually messy brown hair. I also wear glasses.
Any final words?: Yes.
DO YOU TRUST ME!?: I don't know, can I?