can i roar out louder now? |D?

Apr 08, 2010 21:59

Three applications you have voted on:

1 | 2 | 3


Name/Nickname: Jessica/Jess/ ..... Grapefruit. :|
Gender: Female.

Would you mind if you are stamped as the opposite gender?: Oh please, I couldn't care less~
Is this a re-stamp? If it is, who were you previously stamped as?: Nah, not a re-stamp.

What do you like/love: I really love to write, it's like one of my super passions and laskdjf seriously. It takes up about seventy percent of my time, while the other thirty perccent is me thinking of what to write next. Um, I love my dogs with a passion, even though I'm a bit tsundere with them-- and I have a small, itzy soft spot for kids that nobody play with. ; A; Obviously, I love anime and manga-- pfff. And I like it when people don't care about what I look like, and just talk to me no matter what others say. Being snarky, chatting with my ...few IRL friends. = A=. Playing all types of video games, thinking up ideas for roleplays with my ~girlfran Aisu~. I love to read, and my DS is like my lover, I swear. I like to sleep, it's something I do a lot-- annnddd TAKING LONG WALKS ON THE BEAC-- Jk. I do like to walk around downtown with Kiana though. |D

What do you dislike/hate: People messing with my friends, it pisses me off. Ignorance. People taking advantage of others. Being blamed for something I didn't fucking do. I hate walking ahead of other people, alskdjf self conscious in that respect. Trying to explain something calmly when someone's yelling over me and asldkjf. God that's annoying. People not getting my jokes, then I have to explain them and pff, then they aren't funny anymore. When people make fun of gifts given to me-- I dunno, when someone actually takes the time to pick out something for me special and someone's like HAHA THAT'S LAME, it's kind of a dick move. I hate it when people say that they love each other after like three months of dating-- you know nothing about each other. Oh my god. It just makes me really mad because I know, in like, two weeks-- that relationship'll be over and feelings'll be hurt and yeah. It's just a ridiculous cycle.

Strengths: Loyal. Ha, once you're my friend it's like you've got a little attack dog on call. |D;;. I'm a really kind person underneath the tsun, and I'm extremely silly when the time calls for it. If you're sad or unsure, and I like you, I'll try to cheer you up or motivate you in some...weird, silly HAHA way. I learn quickly, and I don't have any issue telling someone to shut up. Or to calm down. Or.. just telling people how it is. :|;; Why hide the truth of things? I can generally read people pretty well, but I derp at that a lot, so pfff. I'm friendly, but I don't try to make friends-- since if I try to talk to someone they're all LKASDJL ; A;. Since apparently I'm intimidating? HAHA WHAT. NO. I'm an incredibly focused person, so once you have my attention, YOU HAVE IT-- but it's really hard to get my attention. So. Good luck with that. Oh, and I'll eat anything once. Anything. But I tend to favor fast food. |D;; Since it's right there, and... yeah. It tastes good. So. Yeah. :|

Weaknesses: Secret loose cannon-- wouldn't think of it, looking at me. But. :|;; You piss me off and it's reallyreally hard to calm me back down. I'm really bad at making friends, since I'm really really easy to irritate Super blunt, not afraid to speak my mind-- but I'm quiet and reserved when it gets down to it, just kinda isolating myself. I'm super lazy unless I'm interested in something. I can be considerate, if I like you or you're close to me; but my feelings are easily hurt and I can be extremely cold sometimes. ....I'm really, really awkward, not even gonna lie. I space out a lot when I'm uninterested. It's just. IT'S JUST REALLY BAD.

Describe your personality: I'm ....I dunno, really quiet; I keep my head down and do my work unless I feel like I need to step in. Then I'll totally speak my mind and pff, I don't care because it's just my opinion-- you don't have to agree. I tend to isolate myself, and I'm really bad at doing group projects in school because :|;; nobody wants to group up with me, which is fine!.... Eh, not really. As much as I try to isolate myself because I tend to have no mental filter and I rage easily and I hurt peoples feelings or just hurt people-- and aslkdjf the last thing I wanna do is hurt people. I love people-- I really do. I'm a social creature, but I'm so awkward. It's terrible. But when I do make friends ( you know, my two, three irl ones ), I'm completely loyal. Like I said before, I'll become your own personal attack dog. They make you cry? I make them hurt. :| It's as simple as that. I like to help people, but it's kind of with a straight face. Like, for example, if someone drops a pencil, yeah I'll pick it up for them. And I'll hand it back to them, but it's like :| face with a nod when they thank me. I'm... super nonchallant, I guess-- until something pisses me off or catches my interest. |D;;

And, um, in the end. I trust everyone, until you give me a reason not to. Although, sometimes I just don't like people-- oh, no, they haven't done anything to my friends or my family or whatever. I just.. don't like them. |D. Um. OVERALL? Super duper loyal until you make me wanna smash your face in. :|

Hobbies: Writing, pff. Chatting online. Taking walks outside, enjoying nature. Video games, updating my music library. Reading books, trying new things. Thinking about random things like my place in the world and PFFF EXISTENTIALISM AHAHA. Thinking up roleplays and new characters and y'know. All that jazz.
Goals/Dreams: To be strong for those I care about, and to become a better person.
Fears: My biggest fear is hurting someone, physically or emotionally or whatever. I just don't like doing it. I hate roller coasters. :| Being completely alone. You know, the usual.
Favorite Color: Purple! Iyaaa~n. Purple or red, most definitely.

Mature or Childish?: .......I'm generally the Mom of my friend group, so. I guess I'm mature enough.
Lead or Follow?: I'll lead if I have to, figuratively. Walking in front of someone is a no-no.
Outgoing or Shy?: I'm... withdrawn; not exactly shy since I'll speak up, but I'm not outgoing unless near Kiana or Holly. :|
Upbeat or Calm?: I'm generally super calm, but I can be upbeat about certain things.
Impulsive or Cautious?: Not gonna lie, I'm impulsive. I do what I want, when I want. Without warning or thinking, it's just like BAM. Haha. |D
Logical or Imaginative?: I'm a super logical person on the outside-- but, pff. I space out and desu and I'd like to think I'm imaginative when it comes to writing. |D

And Here's DURARARA!!

Favorite Character and WHY: Oh fuck. Um. OH. I love Togusa, because he seems all SERIOUS FACE AHHH, but then pfff. Secret otaku for teen idol. <3 Sob, just that scene with him at the concert-- I LOVE HIM SO MUCH AHAHA. I actually just rabu on the Otaku Van in general. Close second: Shizuo. Such a badass, but bawry backstory wth.
What do you think about the series? Good? Bad? Any opinions?: I love the series, and it's like every Thursday is a good day just because YESSSS DURARARARA IS ON YESS. I love the story, and I love that the main character is a headless Irish grim reaper. Dude, how badass is that. I also love how easy the series is to make fun of. I mean, seriously, Seijii's just asking to be the punching bag. But, eh. I dunno, since I'm not a fan of yaoi, I can't read any good fanfiction about it and that's the only bad thing I can think of. |Db
Whose character design is the best according to you?: Celty, hands down. Dude, she has a fucking kitten helmet, c'mon. She pulls a scythe out from her neck. And she talks through a cellphone. Idk, I just like how creative they were with her whole, pff, headlessness situation.
Any favorite pairings?: Aisu got me into Izaya/Namie. Kida/Anri/Mikado. OT3, man. Walker/Erika. Shinra/Celty is canon, dammit. lkalsdk Shizuo/Vorona plz. and ... secret. Shizuo/Celty. :|;;; IT'S A GUILTY PLEASURE OKAY.
What episode that appeals to you the most?: Episode six. Made my fucking life.
Masaomi is asking you to hang out with him and he lets you choose where to go! So, to what kind of place would you go to?: 'Kaaaay? Sure, why not-- wanna... .... walk around? :|;; Talk? Or. Go to McDonalds or.... yeah. :|. Y'wanna go to an arcade? I'll kick your ass in Tekken.


Have you ever thought of doing suicide?: Nah.
Do you believe in legends/myths?: I'd really really love to, but. Yeah, I'm kind of a person who likes to see something before she believes it. So, yeah.
What kind of sushi do you like?: Erm, I'm not a fan of wasabi-- but, like I said. I'll try anything once. The only sushi I've ever really liked with the fatty tuna, but it still wasn't that good. I dunno.
You encounter a gang/dangerous person/someone who wants to hurt you-- real bad! What course of action would you take if you happen to meet them?: Kindly ask them to step the fuck off. If they don't and decide to act, then I'll fight back; WILLLL most likely get my ass kicked because it's a gang and all, but. I have a high pain threshold so. :|;; As long as they don't kill me, I'm fine.
You are about to be transferred to another city so that you can attend a particular school there! Sounds like fun! What kind of things do you expect upon moving there?: Apfff. Lots of people asking me questions-- but I'd wanna have fun. Since it's a new place and all, it'd be nice right? But, I'd try to figure out my way around town, and if I made friends-- I make friends. If I don't? I don't. :|;;
Do you prefer to make friends on the Internet (or any other long-distance communication) or by meeting them in person? ....I'm horrible at making irl friends, so usually making friends online is the best way to go. Apff. I've made some of the most amazing friends online, and alskdjf it's ridiculous how much I want to meet them all. HNNNG. One day. One day, but for now. SOAK UP ALL MY TIME ON AIM. 8D

Please describe how you look or share a picture if you have one: ohaaa~

Any final words?: Nah, I can't think of anything else to say.
DO YOU TRUST ME!?: Until you give me a reason not to.

!stamped: shizuo heiwajima

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