Title: Sushi Love
http://Yuumei.deviantart.com aka me XD
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Izaya/sushi
Rating: G
Warnings: Intense colors may induce seizure? XD
Summary: Izaya chilling with sushi after a good day's work of cellphone stomping.
Izaya say "SUSHI LOVE". Your argument is invalid.
You may use this for your personal desktop wallpaper, but you may not post this else where without my permission. If the blue is too strong, there's a gray version at
http://img299.imageshack.us/img299/7383/sushilovecopy.jpg Here's another drawing I posted on dA but haven't shared on LJ yet :D
And a meme
That's about it, enjoy! You can check out my other art at
http://yuumei.deviantart.com :D