Title: At home (Nino POV)
Disclaimer: How I wish that Ohmiya's mine...
Pairing: Ohmiya
Rating: G. Total fluff ^^ *a romantic at work*
Summary: nino's POV? *whaaat???*
Authors Notes: This accompany
At home (Ohno POV) .
What is the first step to take when telling someone that you like them?
How do you do it?
I have never done it.
I’m scared of doing it.
Even thinking about it makes me sweat.
Should I ask him out for a drink?
Yabai…he’ll be drunk out of his mind.
Not exactly the best time to fess up isn’t it.
Maybe I can tell him when he walk me to the nearest train station after I finished playing game with his mom?
Yabai…I’ll be too excited with my win though.
I should have told him right when the light goes down. But the screaming crowd is loud enough to drown my voice. And my heart is still beating fast as I just kissed the corner of your lips.
Most of all, I’m afraid of what your answer will be.
For the time being, I’ll just live for the moment as this, as you sat comfortably on the sofa next to me and work on your figurines.
I’m afraid to think of what the future will bring.
For today, I put away my game for you.
For today, I want to feel the affection wash over me as I watch you. The grin on your face when I ruffled your hair, the total concentration you’re giving to your creation and the warm tingling feeling as our knees touched.