Through magic and mayhem, I managed to get to the Ellipsis meeting yesterday. Never mind that it was just Mandy and me; it counts as a meeting! I'm remaking the Natalia shirt because the original left much to be desired. Zelly and I got a new pattern for the shirt before we moved to Beaverton, and I'm just now making use of that pattern. It's a
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Comments 4
And wow - 20/600? I hope this doesn't sound rude, but would that be considered legally blind without your glasses/contacts? I bet you've had all sorts of fun finding contacts that correct your vision and don't exacerbate the dryness!
And it's been fun, yeah. I wear contacts four or five days a week, usually, with the one brand that works for me (the lenses are thinner and over 50% water), and my glasses are usually freakishly expensive because I have to get high-index lenses so they won't be half an inch thick. This time around, though, I caught the insurance right and they were only $40! So that was pretty awesome.
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