Title: What Shall I Cry? All Flesh is Grass
Genre: angst, alternate universe, science fiction, romance
Characters: T.E. Lawrence, myself
Table: 2
Prompt: #66: Relocate
Word Count: 1,690
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Sometimes a dream could be reality.
What Shall I Cry? All Flesh is Grass )
Comments 4
I dream about him too, and my heart breaks a little each time I wake up. Sometimes he's cruel --forcing his pain on me-- but more often he's like he is here; gentle, quiet.
Thank you.
So, if you like to read the others I would be curious about your comments.
BTW: jt1977 is my other LJ, and because I'm currently logged in there I'm writing under this pseudo. Just in case your arguing about this jt1977-guy^^
I notice we have some interests in common. ;-)
*has no use for Ten*
I do absolutely agree with you. Ten is that childish! Nine/Chris is a real man (that nose!!). Absolutely love Chris' Doc and certainly own the DVD ;)
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