Ulysses has a reputation for being the hardest of hard books: an incomprehensible mess. This semester, I'm in a seminar on all of Joyce's work, and for the past 12 weeks we've been giving Ulysses a page-by-page analysis. I have heard before that "close-reading" is the only way to really "get" the text, and I'd like to oppose that notion.
Chapter 15
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Comments 13
Goddamn academics.
I think addressing that statement might help me figure out a lot about what the hell it means to major in English.
On that note, I'd like to start a new genre of criticism that has no name as of yet, but might at this time be termed "open-ended half analysis." I have come across this new critical lens half out of laziness, and half out of a genuine interest in pursuing it: why come to a CONCLUSION about any text in a work of criticism? One would better leave the text, as you say, "alone," and simply point out what makes it interesting with limited interpretation. This branch of criticism will ask more questions and explain fewer things. At the core of this critical theory lies the idea that all humans are students, all humans should read what they like, and if anyone feels so inspired to write something about a beautiful piece of literature, they should do it.
But in principle, yes.
-daft girl in my Joyce seminar
[The phrase "inarticulate monotone sophomores" describes most of the pitfalls of any college class...I apologize for their presence in a class that should be as lively as modernist lit. What are you reading? And, moreover, has your address changed? You can email me at dunfordm@kenyon.edu if the security feels better. I have some diagrams that I need to mail to you.]
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