Doctor Who A Christmas Special - er, Carol

Dec 25, 2010 22:52

I'M A SHAAAARK, I'M A SHAAAARK! Just for the fish in the air thing I loved it.

Anyway, the story itself was a bit plain (and what is it about changing timelines and touching a younger self? I think Moffat does this on purpose to anger the Old School fanboys), but I loved the little details. AND THE SHARK (I can't say this often enough, sharks are awesome. Go and save the sharks, people. They're not evil and they need protection) - Rethink the shark).

Anyway. Where to start? Marilyn, the fezzes, failing psychic paper, nightmare creatures in your cupboard (they're in my walls, too and are totally stolen from The Night Watch), the Doctor's inability to deal with women, the hidden emoness about loved ones he sacrificed. Loved all the little details. Very interesting take on the Ghost of Future Christmas, too and a very nice topic about the possibility of rewriting personalities... although using a time machine is cheating, isn't it? Lots of things made no sense at all story-wise, but what the heck, it's Christmas!

And how much do I ship Amy/Rory in kinky costumes? SO HARD. Needed more Amy/Rory, but I can live with that.

Good to have been unspoiled for once. Can't wait for the next season, trailer looked awesome.
Off now, need to buy a Stetson. Stetsons are cool (I nearly bought a similar, cheaper one a while back, but it was too small and women with Stetsons should herd cows in Utah, not sit in an office).

review: dw

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