oh, you have no idea...there is this one scene where a rather repressed girl flips out at a very inappropriate moment...it's shocking and friggin amazing to read.
The "Y" series from Vertigo, in the conveniently published graphic novel format. You read it yet? I've been reading it over the last while, and it's hella awesome.
I would want to suggest for you to read some McLuhan, but,I dont think I would be able to do so without suggesting re-reading some orwell.. you know like 1984 or animal farm or something and then read naomi klein's 'no logo' followed by some abbie hoffman (i have a copy of steal this book, which you may borrow, if you promise not to hurt it).
or you know, you can melt your brain watching eurovision...
Comments 9
It's a wonderful summer romp with a crazy lead character, an artist colony and a delightfully titillating sex scene!
I just discovered that Vertigo has a pdf of the first issue available.
Oh, you meant real books? I dunno....The Unbearable Lightness of Being?
I would want to suggest for you to read some McLuhan, but,I dont think I would be able to do so without suggesting re-reading some orwell.. you know like 1984 or animal farm or something and then read naomi klein's 'no logo' followed by some abbie hoffman (i have a copy of steal this book, which you may borrow, if you promise not to hurt it).
or you know, you can melt your brain watching eurovision...
did you see the contestant that placed 2nd?
Watch Eurovision if you ever feel like a brain enema. I know. i know, the visual, but seriously, if you need fluff, its the bestest.
i have no words for that youtube clip.
fun with tin foil? maybe? hehehe.
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