Primeval Podfic: "Blame it on the spring fever" - English - fluffy bingo

Dec 26, 2012 14:41

Title: "Blame it on the spring fever"
Prompt: "Pregnancy Test" for my cc_bingo card.
Pairing: Connor, Abby, Danny
Rating: R but only because it's mpreg.
Length: > 10:00 minutes.
Music: Glee Cast - "You're having my baby"
Summary: There’s a reason Connor is tired. But which one?
A/N: Thanks to jussy_baby who made the beautiful cover. It's just a bit of crack!fic which kind of became even crack-ier as a podfic. *gg*
Beta: Thanks to margi_lynn who listened to it.

Password: UngewolltSchwanger


MP3, ca. 7 MB, zipped, Sendspace link

podfic, kategorie: gen, character: connor, fandom: primeval, character: danny, character: lester, english fanfiction, kategorie: slash, character: abby

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