RP logs: Stephen (Post the action with Pol)

Aug 11, 2008 03:29

Sol: The Council taking action may, technically, take a while, since they are not the most-effective-communication ruling body

Stephen: For which we all ought to be grateful

Sol: We are. *quietly* There's nothing, nothing, to base charges on. Not before the Council.

Stephen: Which will not stop them from being prejudiced against you, us, your father, your brother, and your brother in law.

Sol: They already are.

Stephen: Mmph

Sol: There have been prejudices against my family since ... as long as I can remember. Based on envy originally, I'd guess. Or maybe not only. Father and Braden are absolutely clear, and Pol and I... we'll deal with it.

Stephen: *sighs, nods*

Sol: *hugs him closely, face and voice softening* You shouldn't be obliged to get involved more closely than you already are. *small quirk of the lips* We made a bit of a mess. We ought to be the ones to clean it up. *and she doesn't want HIM to be slighted because of that either >.> *

Stephen: *strokes her hair, sighing* We'll deal with whatever conseqences arise. Together.

Sol: *swallows, and nods slightly* Together... thank you. *closes her eyes for a moment, then* Is this... making you have regrets?

Stephen: *small smile* Bite your tongue. I have no regrets. *kisses her forehead* About anything.

Sol: *makes a show of biting her tongue, a smile flickering across her face after that, then she leans her forehead against his lips for a moment* You are, beyond doubt, the best thing to ever happen to me, do you know that?

Stephen: *hugs her tight* As you are to me. *which is sort of Stephen talk for don't you do anything stupid like this again ever ever ever please*

Sol: *holds him back, head on his shoulder, quietly* Thank you. For... all. *I'll try. I'll try very very very hard. There must be other ways.*

Stephen: *sighs, takes a breath, kisses her deep, soft, and lingering* I love you.

Sol: *returns the kiss, making it as much a promise as she can, too, and then it's no longer anything but a kiss with him, absolute* *a trifle breathless* I love you too.

Stephen: *small smile, then turning serious* I set up a fund for the children's education, to defray the costs to the wizards fostering them. It may make some of the trouble they will undoubtedly cause easier to deal with for them

Sol: *eyes still warm, nods* That is... wise. I didn't think of it but it's a good beginning. Will ... I'll keep an eye on them, generally. *a little sad* It may have been the making of seven future enemies, really, but try as I might, I cannot see them as that. They are children. They have so much to learn and they aren't even aware of it yet. I just hope the damage... can be reversed.

Stephen: It's early days yet. *quietly* We won't have any idea of that until they begin to recover. Or... well. or not. We'll see what happens.

Sol: *nods* They... I wasn't calm enough to be able to talk with them in detail. How much they actually trusted his teachings. *the bloody fucking idiot...* I'll see what their current masters will say soon, and talk with them. Even cold anger is still clouding up one's judgement, obviously. *shakes her head and sighs again* How did your day go, that day? *small smile* Do you need, or want for, anything? *caressing his shoulder, upper arm lightly*

Stephen: *actually laughs softly* A great deal better than yours, I dare say. No, I'm all right now... *softer* Now that you're back, and safe. It's all right, now. *hugging her tight, not ashamed at least at the moment to cling, reassuring himself that she's here and isn't going anywhere*

Sol: *smiles softly and holds him back, so very tight - she's not going anywhere. Actually, she is greatly tempted to not come out of the house at all, for a few days, though she knows it won't happen, but she does spend as much time with him and/or Aidan as possible* That is good... I'm back, and I'm safe. I shouldn't have worried you so. *kisses him again... opening up. Just letting them connect again, for both their sakes*

Stephen: *kisses her tenderly back, deeply, taking his time and sliding his fingers down along her spine, touching her with love and affection and for reassurance and almost desperate with relief again, in the kiss*

Sol: *the tenderness, the touch, him, it all makes her ache for what she's done - to him - makes her kissing get a little hungry, just before she breaks it up to look at him again for a moment; her hand has made its way to the back of his neck and she doesn't pull her face away, just takes a moment to breathe before leaning in again.*

Stephen: *taking his time kissing her, as it settles his nerves, and then he scoops her up into his arms with a tiny smile* Shall we move this a little more comfortable? *he murmurs, carrying her towards the bedroom*

Sol: *holds tight against his shoulders, mmmm does it feel good!* What a marvellous idea. *for the moment while he's carrying her, she tucks her head against his chest, too - not relaxing so she'll be heavy for him, but just... letting the world fade into the background, and all the differences and all the problems*

Stephen: *smirks just a little, some of his characteristic self comming back, as he lays her out on the bed, stretching over her as he does and kissing her softly again. his palms are light on her cheek, caressing down, over her shoulders, down over her sides*

Sol: *closes her eyes, all of her body opening up to him, clinging up to him a little, her hand on the back of his neck, of his head, fingers running deep through his hair, relishing each and every touch, savoring, all along their bodies, the kiss... everything.*

Stephen: *fingers light over her sides, over her abdomen, finally moving the kiss to the corner of her mouth, kissing down the curve of her jaw over her neck, as his hands slide up, unbuttoning her blouse as he goes*

Sol: *hands roam all over him, pulling at his shirt, sliding along skin as soon as she can, touching; her head arches back and to the side, lengthening her neck, giving him better access as her small moans answer each kiss... she's not ... allowed herself to ask for intimacy since that, but now that it's happening she's feeling the need, the need for him, the need for release of something... together.*

Stephen: *tracing the curve of her breasts as he opens her blouse, kisses alternate with little nipping gestures as he moves down her body, teasing with teeth, the tip of his tongue,deftly undoing her clothes just before he reaches fabric instead of flesh and pushing the fabric aside*

Sol: *head digs back into the pillow as she's whispering encouraging words, her body arches up when he reaches there and her breath comes out in a hiss, followed by a gulp, then she shifts and sits up, her legs spread wide - not pushing him away in any way, but reaching to go on underssing him in turn; for once, her fingers are gentle, tender on his skin, caressing, smoothing, teasing - but her nails stay away. But her hands don't stay purposefully away from any part of him as she's pulling and pushing clothing out of the way*

Stephen: *smirking, just a little bit, he sits up to kiss her deeply as she undresses him, shifting as her hands move to help her along but not by undressing himself. not yet. his hands ease over her pants, undoing them, sliding along her inner thigh*

Sol: *the kiss, his touch, slow her down a little. It's not a hunger for a release alone, it makes her realise. It's one for the getting there together too. Kissing back, she lets her fingers enjoy, appreciate again how marvellous his body is, just as her mind melts with his lips and tongue's touch, from the knowledge that she's right where she belongs into the awareness of it. The kiss - it leaves away and behind anything and everything that is not Stephen; he's the only person who matters in her world right now, and every motion, every reaction that she makes convey that. Time seems to slow, to limit to the simple acts of giving and receiving touches, caresses. Removing garments turns from an urgency into a game of itself*

Stephen: *touching her, as the pace slows and the world falls away, becomes all about learning her body all over again, rolling her pants down her legs, touching along the inside of her legs back up, over her abdomen, all the while kissing her slow and tender. not just learning her but memorizing, taking hold fo this moment, every part of it, and keeping it against whatever may come. and at the same time, letting it be what it is. him and her, together, loving each other so careful and so sweetly*

Sol: *it's not as if they're new to each other, because they read what each other means to do with the slightest of touches, of hints, and shifts to make it easier, more accessible. Her fingers trail over the outline of his lean muscles, feeling for places that may have tension in them and slowing there, caressing, smoothing out a bit. His back, legs, sides as her entire self seems to open to him with the kisses. Slow and sweet and oddly different from the usual rush, this time, this closeness seems to settle around them like a warm, needed cloak. She doesn't want any of it to end, yet one caress leads to another and it only feels better, a filling ache building up slowly in her, with each touch and kiss and motion against each other...*

r-rated, ic, aim logs, stephen, murder she did, rp

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