ha ha ha

Apr 01, 2006 11:18

Amusing quote from Greg Garber's espn.com article ( Read more... )

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Comments 22

anonymous April 1 2006, 16:24:12 UTC
that's good shit.


anonymous April 1 2006, 16:54:10 UTC
Well all he had to do was read the comments on this website to realize that no one here can spell worth shit.


Favorite Quotes... anonymous April 1 2006, 18:07:47 UTC
Reposting an analysis from the comments on a previous post that got formatted like dick

Some of my favorite quotes:

On Wednesday night this week, a caller to WUNC's public radio
program, "The State of Things," said that Duke treats the town like
a plantation.

At Thursday's open forum, a Duke student, who declined to be
named, said she worked at a local soup kitchen.

"You know what the soup kitchen folks think of Duke?" she asked
with emotion. " 'Duke s---- on Durham! We hate Duke! "
I get a little bit of humor out of that, the idea that we shit on Durham. If by shit on, you mean sustain the local economy be responsible for the revitalization of the area surrounding east campus, then yes, we shit on Durham real good! Duke employs 15% of all people in durham, pays out over 3/4 of a Billion dollars a year in wages, and has a $2.6 Billion impact on the local economy (source: ... )


Re: Favorite Quotes... anonymous April 1 2006, 18:51:20 UTC
Yes, the misspelling is embarassing (but in light of all that is going on, it doesn't seem all too important and why the writer felt the need to include it in his story is beyond me, other than to score some cheap points). But what I think is worth noting is that he assumes, as most people do, that this was written and put up by a Duke student. Surely no one Durhamite would have posted it because (and I'm guessing here) the vast majority have already made up their minds about this situation. Durham, think Duke mistreats you? How do you treat the hand that feeds you?


Re: Favorite Quotes... anonymous April 1 2006, 22:48:52 UTC
legal console? Is that like playstation 2 for lawyers?


Gang Violence against duke! anonymous April 1 2006, 19:21:02 UTC
Despite Larrys email, we all know the local Bloods and Crips we will be out in full force. I am shit, there has already been two documentaries on the gang violence probelm in Durham. Unlike major cities that are sectioned off into "good" and "bad" areas. Durham is much more open. Just saying watch your back out there....


anonymous April 1 2006, 20:29:05 UTC


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