Title: Culmination
Words: 500
Rating: G
Summary: Mflpb and Afltn find out something wonderful.
A/N: Written for the LiveJournal hpgw_drabbles May 2010 challenge: write a Harry/Ginny drabble from the POV of a different HP character.
Mflpb was very happy. Ever since the red-haired girl had yelled at the other boy, she would sit very close to the black-haired boy. Mflpb had hoped for this--the black-haired boy was always happier when she was close.
Tonight the two were sitting closer than ever, and whispering together more, too. Mflpb unashamedly listened in.
"Are you sure?" asked the black-haired boy, hopefully.
"Positive, Harry. I've always been yours."
Silence for a bit.
"Gin, I've never had a girlfriend before, so I'm probably pants at it. But, would you like to be mine?"
Even Mflpb could hear the longing in his voice. But what was this? The red-haired girl had gotten up. Why was she leaving? But then the black-haired boy's weight increased, and Mflpb felt him sink back even farther into the cushions. She must have sat on his lap.
The red-haired girl spoke, softly, "Yes, Harry, a thousand times yes."
There was silence after that for quite awhile, although from the movements that Mflpb felt, they were possibly communicating via sign language, or the tap-bump-scratch language the gargoyles used when they thought they were being particularly sly.
Eventually, the new couple started to whisper again, and Mflpb, after hearing the whispered endearments, decided to be more discrete, and focused his hearing on the chess game that the red-haired boy and the brown-haired girl were conducting on Entkt, the side table nearest him. He did, of course, rearrange his cushions to give more support to their activities, as it looked like they would be there for quite some time.
Afltn was worried. The red-haired girl, her nightly companion for the last five years, was suspiciously late getting to bed. That was occasionally acceptable. But not only that, Afltn had acquired another girl. It was the brown-haired one who occasionally came down to chat, but tonight she had seemingly settled in for a long stay. Afltn was bothered by this, and she couldn't stop herself from making it a less-than-comfortable experience for the brown-haired girl.
Finally the red-haired girl came to bed. The brown-haired one pulled her inside the hangings, and the whispering started.
"I can't believe it, Ginny, right there in the Common Room!"
"I know! But it's not like I was going to stop him. He actually asked me to be his girlfriend--like I'd ever turn him down!"
"Well, tell me! Ron's still oblivious, so I have to live vicariously through you."
"Well, as you noticed, Harry and I--"
For Afltn, everything fell into place. The red-haired girl spent a rather surprising number of her nights either dreaming, or talking to herself, about someone named Harry. Could it be? Had her girl finally gotten together with the boy she'd wanted for the past five years? It certainly seemed so. She was so happy for her girl, that she couldn't help quivering in delight.
The conversation faltered a bit at the movement, but continued on, and Afltn made herself more comfortable, and enjoyed listening to the rest of it.
A/N: For those who care:
Mflpb is a sofa--we see him in "Lending a . . . Hand?", "He Needed Her", "Shivers", "Fidgety", "Maneuvering", "Collision", and "Spectacle".
Afltn is a four-poster bed--we see her in "He Needed Her", and "Shivers".
And, to explain what I'm doing--the strictures of the challenge were to have drabbles between 100 and 500 words. So, I'm doing drabbles of 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 400, 300, 200, and 100 words. The first 5 will be from Mflpb's POV, the last five will be from Afltn's POV. And yes, they overlap by one (the 500-word drabble).