Title: Explosions (prompt: Kiss)
Words: 100
A/N: Sassyfrass decided that I needed to include the phrase "will find it quite explosive" in this.
"So, what are Bang-Up Bon-bons?" Ron asked.
"Well, if one pair of lips get too close to another, they will find it quite explosive," Fred replied with a grin.
"But I just passed Harry and Ginny snogging in the stairwell! Didn't look like anything was interfering!" Ron shuddered.
"Maybe it was a bad batch?"
After the kiss, Harry pulled Ginny closer, sighing. "Every time I kiss you, it feels like fireworks going off in my head. I love you, Mrs. Potter."
Ginny smiled up at him. "I aim to please, Mr. Potter. Now, want to go for a Big Bang?"
a/n: This fits between "Don't Ever Listen to Ron" and "Ice Cream".