Title: A Gift (prompt: April Showers bring May flowers)
Words: 200
Rating: PG
A/N: For the April challenge on hpgw_drabbles.
"Aargh!! I still need a present!" Ginny complained, rushing around looking for her shoes.
"This is for a bridal . . . party . . . thing, right?" Harry asked, from the sofa.
"Yeah. She absolutely had to get married on May first, so everything's rushed, and I can't think of anything."
Harry pondered. "What about lingerie?" he asked, remembering what Ginny had gotten before their marriage.
Ginny sighed. "I thought about it, but Maybelle would go positively spare if I embarrassed her in front of her mum like that."
She rummaged through the kitchen cupboards. "Maybe a pot? Or a spatula? Aah, I have officially become my mother! Harry, get in here and help me, or so help me, I'm never wearing that green peignoir again!"
Harry wasn't sure exactly what peignoir meant, but he didn't want to take chances.
"Okay, okay, I'm here!" he protested. Just then, he noticed that their phoenix blooms were starting to catch fire.
"Gin? What about some nice phoenix blooms?"
Ginny looked up in surprise. "That's perfect! She'd appreciate that! How did you think of it?" she asked, and kissed him, making him wish the bridal shower were later.
"Just something I heard once. April showers? Bring May flowers!"
A/N: While not strictly in accordance with my 100-word drabble universe, this would fit between "Polka-Dotted" and "Don't Ever Listen to Ron".
Phoenix Blooms are an homage to hgfan1111's Brighter Than Sunshine--one of my all-time favorite H/G stories.