Title: That Time Jensen Hated Lucida
Words: 1,000ish
Background: Over
here I offered up timestamps, wrote a bunch, then got stalled with sleep and work and RL. Finally writing for
akintay, Why I'm Talking to You Verse, something with them being engaged.
Note: To preface this, I'm kind of a font snob when I'm on the clock. Having to design and layout
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Comments 67
(Jensen's thought-font is secretly a cross between American Typewrighter and Times New Roman. He'd never admit it to anyone, though. What's even worse is that around Jared, he's pretty sure his internal monologue changes into 20-point Moonstar.
Jared's default thought-font is Wingdings. Only Jensen understands why.)
Oh, and the peering over the edge of the glasses? HOTNESS! I don't know why he was so selfish as to have eye surgery IRL, but at least he still wears glasses in fanfic. :P
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The font stuff makes me snicker, hahaha, fun stuff! XDD
I told neros_violin above that I've always had the image of Jensen in a zip-up sweater with the glasses on the weekends. Hahah.
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