[Log Post: Part 1 of ???]

Mar 22, 2010 09:12

Yuusei: -is cooking dinner. Lots of it-
Ganymede: *muttering to himself in the other room*
Jack: *is at the doorway to the kitchen, looking half-dead exhausted* ...
Yuusei: Sit down, Jack.
Jack: Mm... *he stumbles over to the table, lacking any of the perfection that truly makes him Jack. His eyes are red with fatigue and from secretly crying* ...
Yuusei: -gives him a beer and a glass of water-
Jack: *just takes the beer and opens it with the opener then chugs it back, belching rather unenthusiastically*
Yuusei: You should sleep tonight. I'll watch over him.
Jack: *looks up at him and glares* My double is my resp--*burps again*onsibility.
Jack: ...this beer is awful.
Jack: *bitches about it further*
Yuusei: -ignores the bitching- And you need sleep.
Jack: I can't.
Yuusei: Coffee, then?
Jack: Tea.
Yuusei: -sets about making him a cup-
Jack: *slumps onto his arms* hnn...
Yuusei: -puts the cup in front of him. With sugar and cream-
Yuusei: -cooks-
Jack: *sleeps on his arms*
Ganymede: *begins to cry out from the other room*
Jack: *jerks awake immediately and goes to see to him*
Yuusei: -watches and sighs-
Jack: *struggles with Ganymede* STOP FUCKING FIGHTING WITH ME, DAMMIT!
Ganymede: L-Let go... I must... return to---
Jack: *punches him* You're not fucking going so shut up.
Ganymede: *coughs harshly, the punch to his gut quite strong for him* Nngh...
Yuusei: -winces and cuts the heat on the stove to avoid burning. He goes and peeks his head into the room- You didn't punch him, did you?
Jack: I did. And?
Ganymede: *looks to Yuusei* Mnnaa...
Yuusei: He's a recovering drug addict, Jack. You can't just punch him.
Jack: *grits his teeth* He's so much more than that... look at him. He's a fucking vegetable now with my face.
Ganymede: *looks slowly up at the ceiling making a moaning noise of disconnect to the current convo*
Yuusei: You're not helping!
Ganymede: *brings his hands up to his head to block out the screaming, at least he would if he wasn't restrained, thus settles for crying out to show his discomfort* Hnnuuaaaah!!
Yuusei: Jack, don't shout. You're scaring him.
Jack: Khhh...
Ganymede: *looks away, closing his eyes tightly and trembling*
Yuusei: -winces- We're not treating him much better than she did.
Yuusei: How well can someone recover when they're being taken care of by two people with no experience.
Jack: ...you think we should just take off his restraints then?
Yuusei: -thinks for a moment, staring at Ganymede- How strong is he?
Jack: He's just a touch weaker than me when he's not driven by sheer adrenaline.
Yuusei: -makes a face-
Ganymede: *looks over at them both*
Jack: Can you behave yourself or are you going to try to run back to that whore of yours?
Yuusei: Jack.
Ganymede: *winces, but says nothing... he looks like he could cry*
Yuusei: -walks over to Ganymede's bedside- Are you hungry?
Ganymede: *flinches and opens his mouth, but can't speak as it's not a conditioned sentence* Haa-aauuh...
Ganymede: *looks away, tears of frustration falling once again*
Jack: Great. He's crying again. Wonderful.
Yuusei: -shoots a glare at Jack before returning his gaze to Ganymede, looking slightly less... Yuusei-ish- It's okay. You don't have to cry. I'll bring some food in here, and if you want it, I can feed you.
Ganymede: *just struggles against the bonds and shoots him a glare* Ghh--hhhAAA!
Jack: *steps forwards* Stop it. We're protecting you by keeping you like that. You don't remember who you are yet, otherwise you wouldn't be acting like this.
Ganymede: *the glare he gives Jack is even worse* Nnngh...
Yuusei: -sighs and hangs his head-
Yuusei: I'm going to go finish dinner. Try to not punch him again, Apollo.
Jack: I won't promise anything. *he pulls his chair up again to watch Ganymede*
Ganymede: *watches Apollo with little interest, his eyes going back to their glassy stare again*
Yuusei: -slips out of the room to finish dinner-
Jack: *eventually falls asleep on his arms again... which are on Ganymede*
Ganymede: *seems a touch uncomfortable, but is dealing with it*
Yuusei: -eventually returns to the room with a small plate in his hands along with a pair of chopsticks. He blinks at the sight and debates backing out of the room. He doesn't, possibly against his better judgment, and takes a seat on the opposite side of Ganymede. Yuusei looks at Ganymede, hoping this won't wake Jack up, and offers him some noodles-
Ganymede: ...*blinks*
Yuusei: Open your mouth.
Jack: mnohungry...
Ganymede: *does so*
Yuusei: -carefully feeds Ganymede-
Ganymede: *as he's been ordered, he takes the food quite well*
Yuusei: -has no idea why he's acting well suddenly, but it makes him smile- Good.
Ganymede: *did a good thing! he smiles for Yuusei, as this is the path to acceptable societal behaviour*
Yuusei: -would glee at the smile if he were the gleeing type. Instead, he's just going to offer Ganymede more food-
Ganymede: *determined, he takes more*
Yuusei: -Actually grins-
Yuusei: -continues to offer Ganymede food-
Ganymede: *eats the whole plate*
Yuusei: Good job, Ganymede.
Yuusei: -offers him water via straw-
Ganymede: *does his best to get the damned thing but his lips knock it away* Nuh...
Ganymede: *amusing tongue and lip utilization!*
Ganymede: *straw get!*
Ganymede: *drink*
Yuusei: -blinks-
Yuusei: -lets him drink as much as he wants before he takes the glass away-
Ganymede: *burps quietly and excuses himself*
Jack: *revives*
Jack: hnuh?
Ganymede: *noise of discomfort*
Jack: *sits up* Hmph.
Ganymede: ...hmph.
Yuusei: -just smiles- Dinner is ready, Apollo.
Yuusei: -gathers up the dishes and flashes Ganymede one more small smile before moving to slip out of the room-
Ganymede: *looks right through you at this point, Yuusei*
Jack: Don't fucking call me Apollo. I'm Jack to you, dammit. *gets up, wiping the drool off of his face*
Yuusei: I could call you Phoebe.
Jack: You could lose your tongue too. Neither of those choices sound fun to me.
Yuusei: -just places the dishes in the sink- Just eat, Jack.
Yuusei: -fixes himself a plate-
Jack: *goes to eat* Any changes while I was out?
Ganymede: *stares at the ceiling... as he does, he begins to fall asleep*
Yuusei: He ate an entire plate of food without fussing. -eats-
Jack: ...
Yuusei: And he smiled.
Jack: ...fuck he's getting worse.
Yuusei:... what?
Jack: Smiling? Accepting being FED?
Yuusei: -just smiles as he watches Jack- At least he didn't fuss.
Yuusei: He's even quiet right now.
Yuusei: -eats-
Jack: hm...
Jack: ...how long will it take before his true memories surface...? When will we truly know what happened to him?
Yuusei: I don't know. Maybe when he learns to trust us.
Yuusei: So we can trust him.
Jack: ... *gets up from the table and goes to the room*
Ganymede: *is sleeping*
Jack: *undoes the restraints*
Yuusei: -blinks- ... Jack?
Jack: *takes just a moment to brush his double's bangs from his forehead and to touch his own to it* *Fight. I know you're in there.* *he then rejoins Yuusei* Just took off the restraints.
Yuusei: -just nods- Alright.
Yuusei: -finishes his dinner in silence-
Jack: ...
Ganymede: *breaks the silence by throw a chair hard enough to impale a leg in the drywall* GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!
Yuusei: -falls out of his own chair-
Yuusei: -blinks and gets up-
Yuusei: Ganymede--?!
Yuusei: -dashes into the room-
Ganymede: *is clutching his head, screaming bloody murder, then throwing whstever he finds* HAAAAUUUAAAAAA!!!!
Jack: *just... stares... for once, even the brilliant Apollo has no idea what to do*
Yuusei: Ganymede! Calm down!
Ganymede: *glares at him viciously, thanful for one conditioned sentence* I AM JACK.
Yuusei: -blinks- Jack.
Yuusei: Calm down.
Ganymede: Guuh--haaa--h--*no words. he has no words---and then he's clutching his head again* AAAAAAAH!!!!
Jack: *rushes forward to restrain him as best as he can*
Ganymede: *struggles, flailing* I AM JACK! I AM JACK!!!!
Yuusei: -goes to help Apollo- Ga-- nngh... Jack, stop!
Ganymede: *lashes out violently striking Jack in the chin*
Jack: *goes down like a sack of rocks* Uft...
Ganymede: *stops, terrified, staring at his hands* . . .
Yuusei: ... oh god.
Ganymede: *looks to the door, then to Yuusei*
Yuusei: -lets go of any hold he has on Ganymede- Please, Jack. Don't run.
Ganymede: I must return to Leiko-sama. Leiko-sama is always ri---*he stops, then clutches his head again* Aahhhghhhnnn....
Yuusei: Stop screaming!
Ganymede: *stops, his eyes going blank and wide*
Ganymede: *claps his hands to his throat, as if the choice was not his own... he then looks to Yuusei in baffled fear... there is more in that look than there has been in days...*
Yuusei: ... You... you don't need to be afraid, Jack.
Ganymede: *he gives him a pained look, opening his mouth, but no sound will come... the look seems to ask how could you ever say that?*
Yuusei: You don't need to be afraid of us. We're... trying to help you. I know he-- -gestures towards Apollo- is loud and violent and he hits you.
Ganymede: *looks to the fallen Apollo, then to Yuusei* H-hhuaa... *he grits his teeth* H-haa-aaaaa... aaaaa.... *the frustration in his look is obvious at this point as he turns and punches the wall. hard.*
Yuusei: -realisation smacks him in the face- ... you can't talk.
Jack: *shakes his head, then gestures to his head, sighing, as if to say I can't think very well either*
Jack: *sits down on the edge of the bed, gritting his teeth and then covering his face... the nightmare he had... was so real... perhaps it actually had happened... but that... Leiko-sama wouldn't have... she wouldn't have...*
Jack: Leiko-sama is always right...
Yuusei: Conditioned responses.
Jack: *blinks*
Yuusei: You only say what she's taught you to say, right?
Yuusei: If you try to say anything else, it hurts.
Gany: *he looks up at Yuusei* ...I am hurt because I deserve it. I am a sick individual...
Jack: *looks down* H-hhaaauu--nngnhh... *he lurches forward, gritting his teeth*
Yuusei: -reacts, putting a hand on Jack's shoulder- No. No, Jack. You're not sick. No one deserves what she's done to you.
Yuusei: There is nothing wrong with you. You are Jack.
Yuusei: And that's all you need to be.
Gany: *pulls away from the touch immediately, crying out and pressing his back to the wall... there is more terror in his eyes in that moment than probably Anteres has witnessed in a Jack*
Yuusei: -feels his chest ache- How do I help you?/
Jack: *looks down at one of his hands... the nightmare... maybe if he thought more about it he would remember---no. his old life was a hindrance to his societal acceptance. it all had to be disgarded.* GHGhhaaAAAA!!
Jack: *shakes his head* I AM A SICK INDIVIDUAL!
Yuusei: No! You're not!
Yuusei: You are Jack Atlus-sama !
Yuusei: You are my brother. My nakama.
Jack: *his heart lurches with a mighty beat... he gasps, staggering back, even though he's against the wall... suddenly, every part of him is screaming at him to ignore Yuusei*
Jack: I----I am Jack... I am... Jack...?
Jack: *ignore him ignore him he is nothing your past life is nothing you serve only me you do not belong to anyone else you have nothing other than the here and now jack my jack my precious jack you would do anything for me wouldn't you jack that's good very good you're doing very well jack* NGNghh---HHAAA!! HHAAAU!!!
Jack: *turns and begins to hit his head against the wall, anything to get that voice out of it*
Yuusei: Jack!
Yuusei: -climbs up onto the bed to stop him-
Apollo: *begins to revive, his eyes crossed slightly then uncrossing* hn...?
Yuusei: Stop, Jack! You're hurting yourself!
Apollo: What the fuck is he doing now!? *he lunges for him*
Gany: *is held back by Yuusei but struggling wildly*
Yuusei: Stop! Please! -has his arms wrapped around Jack-
Apollo: *helps as best as he can, eventually managing to drag Gany back down onto the bed* Yuusei, we have to restrain him again.
Gany: *screams louder than ever, tears of pain and frustrastion pouring down his face*
Yuusei: -may have tears of hysterics staining his cheeks- No. No, we can't. I was making progress.
Yuusei: Fight it, Jack! I know it hurts, but don't give up!
Apollo: What progress do you see here?!
Gany: *looks to the both, but only begins to scream again, as if severe pain follows only meeting their glances, especially Apollo's*
Yuusei: I won't let you fight alone! I'll be right here! Jack! -is obviously ignoring Apollo-
Apollo: *begins attempting to restrain Ganymede*
Ganymede: *the moment he even feels the restraint he suddenly finds words flooding out of him* PLEASE DON'T DO IT! PLEASE! PLEASE DON'T DO IT TO ME ANYMORE!!
Apollo: *stops, looking at him*
Ganymede: *staring at him in terror, then to Yuusei* Hn. hn.... hn.... h-haaaaaaa!!
Apollo: . . . y-you spoke . .
Yuusei: -is shaking, but he lets him go-
Ganymede: *closes his eyes, trembling, then brings his hands to his head* H-haann... nn-nnhhaaa...
Jack: ...?
Ganymede: Ghnn... d-ddhhaaa... *he shakes his head. it isn't working*
Yuusei: Jack... I'm sorry if I hurt you.
Yuusei: I'll try to not hurt you any more.
Ganymede: *he gives Yuusei a truly agonized look, almost sobbing* I---I am h-hurt because I d-deserve i-it...
Jack: ...he can only say what she made him?
Yuusei: -nods weakly-
Yuusei: It's all conditioned responses. He can't speak otherwise. It hurts him.
Yuusei: Jack, don't yell at him!
Jack: *GRINS*
Yuusei: -pauses-
Jack: So you are in there.
Ganymede: *looks away*
Yuusei: -backs up until his back is against a wall-
Jack and Ganymede: *look to Yuusei*
Yuusei: So, I have to hurt him...? I have to scare him to make progress?
Jack: ....to get throug hto Kiryu, I had to beat the ever-loving fuck out of him... I had to break what she'd done.
Yuusei: -can't possibly be intimidating with bloodshot eyes and tear stained cheeks-
Jack: To do that... I had to break Kiryu. Same with Aki.
Jack: ...told Kiryu he was a dog. That he wasn't the leader of any team I would join...
Jack: ...called Aki a monster...
Ganymede: *looks at Apollo for a moment*
Yuusei: Call him... a child.
Yuusei: A baby. Worthless.
Ganymede: *looks at Yuusei*
Ganymede: ...
Yuusei: -closes his eyes- Weak. No one would look up to him. Ever.
Ganymede: *grits his teeth for a moment*
Yuusei: He's not my brother.
Yuusei: He's not my nakama.
Ganymede: *grunts, lurching forward and collapsing to his knees* HGgn..
Jack: *watches this, backing up*
Ganymede: *clutches his head... who was he? No. It wasn't important any longer. He was Jack. He was a grateful patient of the institution who'd been granted a chance at living life normally as one properly should under the care of the great and mighty Leiko-sama...*
Yuusei: Can't talk. Can only parrot what he's told. That's no Jack Atlus. That's no king.
Apollo: *grunts, closing his eyes... King...? Who---He had no past. He was nothing more than what he needed to be. He served and obeyed Leiko-sama. She looked after him. Leiko-sama is always right. Always right. ALWAYS RIGHT. EVERYTHING SHE DOES IS RIGHT.* I AM HURT BECAUSE I DESERVE IT! LEIKO-SAMA IS ALWAYS RIGHT!!!
Apollo: *looks away* Ghn..
Yuusei: Ordered around by some woman.
Ganymede: Leiko-sama is the leader in advanced ideas all to better mankind. Leiko-sama has turned what is worthless into what is respectable.
Yuusei: I bet Ruka could give you an order and you'd follow it.
Yuusei: It doesn't matter who it is. So long as you get an order, you'll follow it without a thought.
Yuusei: That's not Jack Atlus.
Ganymede: *twitches, gripping his chest*
Yuusei: -opens his eyes and looks at Ganymede, keeping his voice calm- You're not Jack Atlus.
Ganymede: I---I am... J-Jack...
Yuusei: No you're not.
Ganymede: *grips his head again, moaning in pain as flashes and images burn through him, shaking him...* I... I am J---aaghhh...
Yuusei: He's Jack. He doesn't take orders from women. He takes what he wants. He has pride. He's a true king.
Yuusei: He's my brother.
Ganymede: *something inside of him snaps in the moment and he lunges for Yuusei, but stops, grabbing his head and screaming in ear splitting, agonizing cries before passing out, slumping to the bed*
Yuusei: -stares at the ceiling-
Jack: ...
Jack: *puts a hand to his face, quite obviously crying at this point*
Yuusei: Did I do the right thing, Jack?
Jack: *nods*
Yuusei: Okay.
Yuusei: -sighs and turns to walk out of the room-
Jack: *grabs Yuusei's arm before he leaves*
Yuusei: -looks at Jack- ?
Jack: *puts both of his hands on Yuusei's shoulder.... then lowers himself, putting his head to Yuusei's chest* ...
Yuusei: -wraps an arm around Jack's shoulders-
Jack: *is shaking quite badly right now, grunting as he attempts to stop crying*
Yuusei: It's okay, Jack. -rubs his back-
Jack: Ghhh... damn it... breaking me!? We have to do that!? . . . Kiryu and Aki... they didn't take much...
Jack: What on earth did she fucking do to me!?!
Yuusei: Come on, Jack. Let's... go in the other room.
Jack: *nods, going with him*
Yuusei: -sits on the couch, having shut the door to Ganymede's room-
Yuusei: I imagine she did the same to you that she... -Yuusei pauses for a minute to swallow thickly- What I almost saw her do to Kiryu.
Yuusei: Stopped her before she could.
Jack: ....
Jack: ...what did she...?
Yuusei: She was going to rape him, Jack.
Jack: *staggers as if he's been hit by a punch and ends up against a wall, staring wide eyed at the floor*
Jack: ...
Jack: *shakes his head* No. I would never let anyone do that to me.
Jack: Never.
Yuusei: I know.
Yuusei: But he's not you.
Jack: Don't say that.. don't you even say that...
Yuusei: It'd.. -he gives a humourless laugh- probably break you if it ever happened.
Jack: It---*he then realizes what Yuusei means*---he's only broken because she brainwashed him. He's in there and he hasn't been through something like that, dammit!!
Yuusei: I hope you're right, Jack.
Yuusei: Thinking about that happening to you kills me. And it makes me so angry.
Jack: ...we'll have to wait until Ganymede wakes up.
Jack: If his pattern is anything like Kiryu's and Aki's... he'll have a little more of himself now.
Yuusei: I hope so.
Ganymede: *begins struggling in his sleep* Hnn-hhaa... n-nnnhh.. no...
Jack: *passed out on the couch in the other room*
Yuusei: -has been robotically cleaning up the kitchen-
Yuusei: ... -grabs a towel to dry his hands and goes to peek in the room-
Yuusei: Are you awake now?
Gany: *brbnightmaring*
Yuusei: -just watches him-
Gany: hgh--haaau...
any: dd---don't..
Yuusei: ... -approaches the bed-
Gany: ...nnhggg... aa-aahh.. no.. no..
Yuusei: -puts a hand on his shoulder- Hey
Yuusei: -blink blink blink-
Gany: Ghh--!
Yuusei: Welcome back.
Yuusei: -stare-
Gany: *looks at him* . . .
Gany: H---... I am Jack.
Gany: *looks down*
Yuusei: Are you?
Yuusei: Prove it.
Jack: *grits his teeth, then pulls up his sleeve, showing a battle scarred arm with a very clear mark on it* Hnn...
Yuusei: Are you the king?
Yuusei: Jack Atlus-sama?
Jack: I---... I---.... h-hhaaa.. aaaaAaahhh.. *he thrusts his arm to Yuusei's face* I am JACK.
Yuusei: -just smiles- Yes. You are.
Jack: *he grips his head, shaking it and beginning to sob quite loudly as memories flood through him* Ghh--ghhnn.. Y---Yuuseeeii!!!
Yuusei: -hesitates, but tries to wrap his arms around Jack-
Jack: *freezes up completely*
Yuusei: I'm right here, Jack.
ack: *suddenly, one particular memory flashes that he does not want* H-hnn.. haa..aa-aaAAAH!!!
Yuusei: -loosens his grip-
Yuusei: -doesn't know what to do so he just lets Jack scream. He doesn't move, though. He stays beside him-
Jack: Yuusei... Yuusei... Yuusei.. . haa.. ghaa.. she... she... d-damn it... I... can't go back...
Yuusei: You don't have to go back.
Yuusei: You can stay here. With us.
Yuusei: We won't hurt you. We won't... do that to you.
Jack: You don't know. YOU DON'T KNOW!!
Jack: *he rounds on Yuusei, attempting to grip him by the shirt*
Yuusei: I saw her almost do it to Kiryu, Jack!
Jack: You saw... but you have... no idea---*and then he hears her in his mind again... the conditioned responses... restrained... her voice... never ending... so much pain... and...* HHhAAAAAAAAHAA! NO!! LET ME GO! LET ME GO!! I AM JACK ATLUS! I WILL NOT FORGET WHO I AM! I AM KING OF RIDING DUEL!!!
Jack: *he grips his head, falling off the bed*
Yuusei: -does what he can to catch Jack-
Yuusei: We'll protect her from you, Jack. She won't get you. Not here.
Jack: *just continues to sob* She... dammit.. I.... I'm... I... h-hhhaaaa... *he punches the bed* HAAA-HAAAAAUAAAAHH!!!!!
Yuusei: -just holds him- You're Jack Atlus.
Jack: *he leans against him* hhaa.. haaa... haaa...
Yuusei: -rubs his back-
Apollo: *at the doorway* ...is it over then? Are you awake now?
Ganymede: *looks up at Apollo and grits his teeth, shaking his head* I don't whaaaauua... nnnhhnn..
Apollo: Don't force it. If you aren't ready to come back then don't. I understand that bitch has fucked you up. No one would expect you to recover quickly.
Ganymede: ...haaaauuaa-aaa----aaAAII I... I won't.. run. I won't run from... this... I can't... I can't run. I won't r-run.
Yuusei: -looks up at Apollo- He said he was the king.
Apollo: I doubt that.
Ganymede: *looks down guiltily*
Apollo: He could say a lot of things if it meant not having to open the box of shit his mind is.
Apollo: And believe me... knowing the shit Leiko's done to Kiryu...
Ganymede: *his eyes widen at this, another flash hitting his eyes* N-nnhhh-haaa...
Yuusei: Jack--!
Apollo: Let it out.
Ganymede: *shakes his head*
Apollo: Let it out.
Ganymede: Haa-aa...
Ganymede: Aa-aAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!
Apollo: *closes his eyes and just listens to the anguish in Jack's screams as years of will-breaking pour out of his soul in seemingless unending torrents*
Yuusei: -also closes his eyes, listening to the pain in Ganymede's voice-
Jack: *eventually begins to run out of steam, just sobbing long and hard, his body shaking* Aaaaahhh..... a-aaaaahhh.... aa-aaaaahhh...!! Aaahh..!!
Yuusei: -just keeps hugging him- Good.
Ganymede: Yu---Yuuseiii... Yuuseeiii... I--I'm sorry... Y-Yuuseei... please... I... I am... your nakamaa... I... I am..
Ganymede: *chokes on a sob* please...
Apollo: *blinks rather heavily, then wipes his eyes and looks away*
Yuusei: You're my nakama.
Ganymede: I--I... she.. I'm... hggnnaaaahhh... aaa-aaaahh... ahaaa... *he just holds Yuusei* I'm sorry...
Yuusei: You don't have to apologise, Jack.
Yuusei: I... you-- you're my brother.
Jack: I've.. done horrible things for her... I---I have memories... I--she bound me in a small room for over a year... she fed me... gave me water... but always she was trying new things... new ways to break me down...
Apollo: *listens*
Jack: ...for... so long I fought her away... she's nothing more than... she's... *always right* nnghhgh--stop...
Yuusei: Say it.
Yuusei: Let it out.
Jack: Haa-aah.. h-hhurtss....
Jack: *grips his head* her voice..
Yuusei: Which voice is louder?
Yuusei: Mine or hers?
Jack: ...hha...
Apollo: If you need to cry, cry. If you need to shout, shout. Living life in the present, forgetting about destiny. Such is the way I have chosen.
Jack: ...the--the.. king's.. way...
Yuusei: And you are the king, aren't you?
Jack: *looks up at Yuusei* I...
Jack: *swallows* I... I am the King.
Jack: And she.. she is a lying... filthy... bitch.
Jack: *very nearly passes out saying this*
Yuusei: -keeps a strong hold on him-
Jack: She r--... she... did things to me... when I was bound... when I couldn't stop her.. she..
Jack: I swore I wouldn't let it end me... that it wouldn't affect me...
Jack: but... she kept doing it... and...
Jack: Eventually I started to forget when she came into the room...
Jack: I started to forget a lot of things...
Jack: *grits his teeth, holding his head* And then the cuts... the beatings... the drugs...
Jack: The threats on my friends' lives...
Apollo: *grits his teeth* The implanted machines within your body to continually pump you full of that hallucinogen.
Jack: ...ah... and to condition me into passing out from the pain if I tried to be myself..
Yuusei: -stares at Apollo, not having known that, but he doesn't interrupt-
Jack: ...I... I lost myself...
Jack: There were too masny things keeping me from getting back to where I was sitting in that room with her on my lap.
Jack: And... I ran away like a coward from dealing with my fucking problems!!
Jack: *punches the bed* Ghghh..
Jack: *covers his face with his hand, shaking horribly and feeling very, very ill*
Yuusei: -closes his eyes tightly-
Yuusei: No more, Jack.
Yuusei: She'll never get that close to you again.
Yuusei: I won't let her.
Apollo: Ah. Neither of us will.
Jack: *for a moment, he is silent... and the next, he throws up noodles over the side of his bed and onto Apollo's feet*
Yuusei: -blinks-
Jack: *coughs*
Yuusei: You should get back into bed, Jack.
Yuusei: Get some actual rest.
Jack: I.. I need... I ... h-haa--
Apollo: Don't you fucking dare haauuaauuauu on me. Spit it out like a fucking man. I'm not wearing your vomit as a fashion statement.
Jack: I need to shower.
Apollo: If you need to shower, shower.
Jack: *...looks down* I don't... think I can walk.
Yuusei: I can help.
Apollo: I can't wash him. ~I don't have gentle hands.~
Yuusei: And I do?
Ganymede: I'm gonna throw up again.
Apollo: What?
Ganymede: *hello Apollo's shoes. You look lovely in that shade of noodle and broth*
Yuusei: -sighs-
Yuusei: Come on.
Yuusei: -just gets up to do so-
Apollo: *stops for a moment, his eyes softening...* Ganymede.
Ganymede: *blinks*... wh-what.
Apollo: Why are you light.
Ganymede: ...I don't eat much.
Apollo: Tha will fucking change.
Yuusei: -comes back into the room a minute later- Bath is running.
Apollo: *trudges to it* Yosh. *dumps Ganymede in the tub*
Ganymede: GHRK!
Yuusei: I hope you like lavender.
Jack: I'm going to wash the fuck out of your goddamned hair. YUUSEI YOU CAN WASH HIS BODY.
Ganymede: O-oi, A KING CAN WASH HIMSELF!!!
Yuusei: I gave this king sponge baths for three weeks.
Jack: *PRISSY~*
Ganymede: ...*humbled*
Ganymede: *bows his head* Ah.
Jack: *washes the fuck out of his hair*
Yuusei: -cleans up whilst Jack washes the fuck out of Jack's hair-
Ganymede: *closes his eyes... the idea he's unable to escape his nakama and himself, even to bathe, makes him smile, even if it's a small one... they were here for him now... they were helping him to peel away the layers of sick and hurt and agony that Leiko had inflicted... they would stay by him... and even as they batheh im, he begins to weep again, more memories purged from his system coming back to him, momentarily relived, and then spent in the agony of his cries... but he is so grateful to have the others with him*
Yuusei: -comes back in when he's finished cleaning-
Ganymede: *is now in the process of drying himself, but his movements are slow, almost feeble*
Jack: *is watching*
Ganymede: What. What is it.
Jack: You're just... you're covered in these scars. Doesn't that bother you at all? That isn't the body of a King.
Ganymede: *scoffs and keeps toweling*
Yuusei: Jack, he can't help the scars.
Jack: I know...
Ganymede: *ties the towel around his waist* I need to get... I need to lie down again. Dizzy.
Yuusei: Can you walk okay?
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