Art. Prompt 3. Reikokatsura. Part 3.

Oct 14, 2010 10:40

Title: Catch A Falling Star
Author/Artist: reikokatsura
Prompt: #3
Pairing, or gen: P: Dudley/Dean
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Er… brief viewing of substance abuse (in the form of booze).
Word count/medium: Photoshop + Tablet
Summary/Excerpt: When you're older, dreams shatter like fallen mirrors. They fall like meteors. "I can" starts becoming "I can't", until you forget what it even means to "reach for the stars".
Author's or Artist's notes: Oh merlinsknucklesonrice, I thought I would never finish this. After my Mother accidentally tossed out the original 20 page outline while “tidying” up my room (“I thought it was trash,” she said), I can’t even count the number of times I had to start this thing from scratch. Didn’t help any that my tablet started acting up right around the time of my first extension, too. Luck was just not on my side with this project. wwmrsweasleydo , I really hope you like this. I’m sure it wasn’t what you were expecting, based on your prompt, but I tried to fit some aspects of your request in there (in a very, very general, and almost abstract, way). I’m pretty sure I failed. It took on a mind of its own and sort of ran away from me >.<” Um, the theme I chose is one very close to my heart, so I do hope you can appreciate it a little. Happy, er, viewing! And major, major thanks to the mods of this fest for allowing me to submit this despite my extreme tardiness. I am not worthy.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all associated characters and settings remain the intellectual property of JK Rowling and her associates. We are very grateful for permission to play with them.

Part 4 of "Catch a Falling Star" here.

rating: pg, !art, *slash, dudley/dean

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