dudley_redeemed 2013: Timelines and Guidelines!

Jun 07, 2013 23:53

With the support of you, Dudley's Gang, we are starting a fourth round of the Dudley Redeemed fest!

Of course, since Dudley told his mum about the community's request that we go for another round, Petunia's been fawning over him, asking many questions about Diddy's little friends, and being a general pest distraction, so it's taken longer than we wished to get this announcement up. But!


Isn't that exciting?

The Nitty-Gritty

dudley_redeemed is a Non-Anonymous, Anything Goes, Prompt-Based Fest. Any media, any pairing (or none), any length, any rating is welcome. As for anonymity, we think there is fertile ground in past redeemed!Dudley universes, so we are keeping identities visible and allow for sequels to past works.
Prompting will open on 8th June, 2013.
It will close at midnight GMT on 21st June, 2013. Dudley is always forgetting his watch, so it might close later. But try to get them in before we close the post!
Prompt-claiming will open on Dudley's birthday, 23rd June. It will close the day that submissions are due. You can only claim one prompt at a time.
Submissions are due 1st September, having been beta'd and coded for html. Please send all works as email attachments to dudley.redeemed@gmail.com.
Posting will begin 15th September, with length of posting period depending on the number of submissions.
Works should remain exclusive to this fest during the posting/reading period. We will post a final thank-you with participant banners a week after the final post of the fest, and you can repost to your heart's content after that.

The dates of first post and fest reading period are subject to change based on number of submissions.

As far as our prompting guidelines go, please remember that this is a prompt fest rather than a gift exchange, so the more freedom you allow the claimants, the better. We here in Dudley's Gang tend to do as we like anyway, so the more freedom you allow us, the less likely we are to try to bully you into our way of thinking.

In that vein, while we acknowledge that theme of the fest is "Tales of Dudley Dursley's Redemption," we're not too particular about how anyone defines redemption. So long as someone thinks Dudley's growing up to be a fine, upstanding young man, we're happy. That could be Harry, or Piers, or Vernon and Petunia, or that scary guy with the snake face. Dudley needs to be redeemed in somebody's eyes, but not necessarily the mods' or the gang's.

And as not all of us are so great with the reading or writing, please consider making your prompts broad enough to be filled as fic or art or vid or icon set or something else entirely! (Dudley is still hoping someone will compose an Heroic Suite for Tuba for him!)

Multiple prompt entries are very encouraged, though we do ask people to be sensible: we would like to see a variety of prompts and a variety of prompters represented. So...don't give more prompts than Dudley Dursley can count without getting distracted and having to start over. (That is, if you've run out of room in more than one comment field, it's probably too much for Dudley's poor little brain and songquake's poor little attention span for coding.)

The Timelines and Guidelines for Dudley_Redeemed 2013

Dudley_redeemed will be an non-anonymous, prompt-based fest.

The mods and many past participants are excited for the opportunity to explore worlds in which Dudley was previously redeemed. We are therefore making this an "non-anonymous prompt" fest, which means that anyone can submit prompts, anyone can claim prompts, and you don't need to worry about creating something completely new. However, if you want to keep your identity hidden, you have the option of notifying the mods of that. We're good at hiding people (mostly behind Dudley). You are also most welcome to submit prompts anonymously; just log out of LJ before your leave that prompt! (If you are proud to show off your prompting skills, we'll accommodate that, too!)

PLEASE DO NOT RESUBMIT PROMPTS THAT SOMEBODY ELSE WROTE AS YOUR OWN. Please. It's not nice. If you think someone else submitted a prompt for another fest that would work great for Dudley, talk to the original prompter. Or riff off it. But cutting and pasting somebody else's words isn't cool, and Gordon will beat you up for it.

The mods do reserve the right to "recycle" the prompts from past fests, with credit.

Dudley must be redeemed in your creation.

This could mean that he has become self-aware and mended his ways off-screen, that he is redeemed in the eyes of the Wizarding World, that he makes up with Piers after a fight, that he disappoints and then pleases Petunia and Vernon, that he does something to endear himself to the scary snake-face guy-you name it!

Dudley must be redeemed, but who regards his acts as redemptive is absolutely open. Don't worry about whether the Mods or the audience will agree that he is morally upright, so long as Dudley's a dynamic character who has bettered himself in somebody's eyes.

Otherwise, almost anything goes here.

Seriously, slash, het and gen are all welcome. Any pairing, no pairings at all - go wild!

Prompts can be anything from a single word to a springboard idea. Note that as this is a prompt fest and not a fic exchange, you should try not to make your requests too specific. Allow your fellow creators to have room to play around with the prompt! Folks with very specific ideas can sign up for "own prompt" during the claims period and write the story of their dreams.

Multiple prompt entries are very encouraged, though we do ask people to be sensible: we would like to see a variety of prompts and a variety of prompters represented. So...don't give more prompts than Dudley Dursley can count without getting distracted and having to start over. (That is, if you've run out of room in more than one comment field, it's probably too much for Dudley's poor little brain and songquake's poor little attention span for coding.)

You absolutely may use your own prompt. Just leave a comment saying "own prompt" on the claiming post. Or claim the prompt you've submitted. We're easy that way.

All routes to redemption are acceptable (though we will request that Authors/Artists use appropriate warnings, including several which we will require in order for pieces involving them to be posted): non-con, dub-con, under-18 sex, and graphic violence.

We will not have any minimum or maximum number of words or amount of effort. If you want to write a drabble or three, that's awesome; if you want to produce a 30pp comic book, that's awesome, too. The point is to get more works lovin' on Dudders into the universe. Line drawings are acceptable, but please make sure that the napkin you've drawn upon doesn't have grease stains as well.

Collaboration is permitted, and if you are doing a collaboration, you can also claim a prompt for yourself.

We are multi-media! Or at least we hope to be. If you want to tell your tale with baked goods, crafts (via photo or video), vids, filks, and so on - we are absolutely cool with that.

Mixes, podfic, and other audio files should be uploaded to a file hosting site and the link submitted, or sent as a zipped file (if the file is small enough). Vids should be hosted and a link submitted to the mods, or sent as an .avi, .mpg, .mp4 or .mov

Fic and Art are welcome too, of course!

Finally, if you finish your fanwork early and want to take a crack at another prompt, please feel free to select from the updated table of prompts (link to be added when claiming post goes up).

What doesn't go here

We did say that almost anything goes. All works must fit within the (rather broad) theme of 'Dudley Redeemed.' This means that even the most fantastically written of Dudley's-an-eternally-abusive-arse-who-nobody-sees-value-in stories will be rejected by the mods. Dudley can start out an abusive arse, but he needs to start growing a conscience at some point in your fanwork. Or, at least, someone needs to think he's gained a conscience. Capiche?

Also, it should go without saying that this is a Dudley-centric fest. Dudley should be a major character, if not the major character. Don't do what JKR did and have him show a glimpse of decency only to rip him away from our eyes forever!

Your mods request that sexual activity be limited to when characters are over the age of consent in Britain: 16 years of age. If you have questions or concerns regarding this policy, please email the mods at dudley.redeemed@gmail.com.

Finally, un-beta'd work and un-formatted work is NOT NICE and will be sent back to you for correction and html coding. Livejournal has some really nice instructions on how to create basic html tags. If you haven't been able to figure out how to code, now you can.

Similarly, we encourage anyone who doesn't yet have a beta to search at hp_betas and/or hp_betas_wanted for one. We'll also open a post for folks to request and offer beta services sometime this summer.

Prompting: June 8-June 21
Prompt claiming: June 23 (Dudley's Birthday)-due date
Entries due: Sept 1
Posting begins: Sept 15
Exclusivity period ends: one week after final entry is posted

Each prompt may be claimed once; in the case that two people claim the same prompt, the mods will contact the second claimant to request a second choice.
We will not close the prompt claiming, though you ought to bear in mind that the longer you wait, the more likely it is your favourite prompt would be already claimed by someone else.

Your submission header is as follows:

Pairing, or gen:
Word count/medium:
Author's or Artist's notes:
Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all associated characters and settings remain the intellectual property of JK Rowling and her associates. We are very grateful for permission to play with them.

Submissions must be beta'd and coded. Mods reserve the right to send entries back for correction if there are major problems (like misspellings, unintelligible grammar, or lack of html tags). We will accept works in pretty much any form: .doc, .docx, .rtf, .odt, .txt. PDF's, of course, aren't good for us, and .xml is not acceptable.

Regardless of what file type it is, please title the document in a way similar to this: username dudleyfest 2013.file. So, for example, my own submission would be titled, "songquake_dudleyfest_2013.doc". This will allow us to keep track of which files have come in, from whom, and which year it is for.

So there you have it! Your mods (songquake, aigooism and wwmrsweasleydo) are excited to get this fest up and running for its fourth year. Please spread the word!

So, start thinking of some fantastic prompts, and be ready to submit them very, very soon!

2013, timelines and guidelines, mod announcement

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