Title: All Our Yesterdays
Universe: EPET (new for this story)
Prompt: Mostly
this picture (also slightly inspired by
this one, from an unclaimed set)
Wordcount: 9124
Genre: Action/Adventure/Supernatural
Rating/Warnings: T for violence
Summary: A town teeming with nightmares, a rainy summer evening, and a story that doesn’t start at the beginning.
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Comments 3
Frank being a seer but not just used for his skills to see but forced to lead and see in the future. A fresh take and more powers for him to control and to take responsibility not only for the future but the past. Morgan... Morgan Alvey... the beginning and ending of this story packaged in such a loving tribute to a very important person. That too shows care with a plot that could very well have gone amok, but you reigned it in and kept it precise, fast-paced and smart.
Nicely done...XD
(BTW... received your postcard... the Coliseum looks magnificent on the cover of it. Quite imposing with the colors of the sky glistening between its crumbling, open-ended walls. Sounds like you had a delightful romp around Europe. You must share more pictures when you get a chance. We'd all love to hear more. Did you get to meet up with chamyl, at all?)
The seer stuff was fun to make up; when I do the next draft of this, I might try to include more about it. :D And I want to include more of Morgan, too, since I had a lot of fun writing about her. :)
I’m so happy that you liked it! :D
(Oh, I’m glad you got the postcard! :) Picspam should be arriving within the next day or so; I’ve got most of it coded and just need to finish writing part of it. I did get to meet up with her, and it was awesome! :D)
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