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Comments 47

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dtissagirl June 1 2008, 21:37:30 UTC
Eee! Thanks, Peggy! I adore it that RDJ is getting so much love right now. :)


bellanut June 1 2008, 03:01:54 UTC
Larry icons! *flails*


dtissagirl June 1 2008, 21:37:55 UTC
Larry >>> everyone else y/y? :D


bluegreensmoke June 1 2008, 03:02:59 UTC
Iron Man and LARRY PAUL and the prettiest Barney/Robin icon I've seen! I have much love for this post. ♥


dtissagirl June 1 2008, 21:40:41 UTC
Oh, thank you, Teri! I really love how the Barney/Robin icon came out, I randomly collaged pieces of photos I took in the background, and it actually worked! :)


bluegreensmoke June 2 2008, 01:43:23 UTC
For some reason, it reminds me a lot of this icon which I had uploaded for about a million years. You have this great central image in black and white and all these nifty colored shapes and images surrounding it. And I love how you added your own photos! Pretty! :)


dtissagirl June 2 2008, 02:58:28 UTC
Wow, I actually didn't even remember that VM icon. Hee. [I've REALLY repressed most things VM-related!] I didn't really plan on going b&w for the Barney/Robin picture, it's just that the original colors wouldn't match the background. *g*


jujubinha June 1 2008, 04:02:23 UTC
Like, not even need to tell you, but I saved everything that I didn't already have. I'm so happy you've made yet more Iron Man icons! I am seriously contemplating getting space *somehow* to use it all. Yes. *sigh*

I'm glad you had fun yesterday - if I had gone, I'd probably be a party pooper or something. Either way, Lalá called me and, because we had originally kinda decided to have a girl's day here at home, she asked "rain check?", because apparently yesterday was good! :P


dtissagirl June 1 2008, 21:46:17 UTC
I still wanna make more IM icons! There are so. many. good caps and promo shots out there, I don't think I can resist it. :)

It was pretty fun, yes. A bit tiring because I spent yesterday walking around Rio Sul like a zombie, but that's okay.

Eu ia te ligar hj qdo cheguei do almoço, mas tava podre, acabei até tirando um cochilo, coisa que eu nunca faço. Aí agora a preguiça é grande. Mas essa semana eu só tenho Estação, então amanhã, terça e quarta depois das 16h-17h eu super vou estar de bobeira total. Vamos ver se fazemos alguma coisa?


jujubinha June 1 2008, 22:51:06 UTC
Eu tb dormi o dia todo. A lalá vinha para cá, mas well, again, eu dormi o dia todo. Ela falou para a gente fazer uma movie!night na casa dela na 4a, que tal? Tem promessas de cachorro quente. Normalmente eu não me empolgaria com a *Larissa* cozinhando, mas ela me prometeu que é receita da Fernanda, estão we're OK.

E como mentes brilhantes pensam parecido e talz, eu super fiz um icon post ontem, e sabe o que eu percebi? Que eu estou usando muitos icons seus, porque eu acabei usando elementos que vc normalmente usa em alguns dos icons que eu fiz. Ou seja, não só não sei mais mexer no PS, como ainda virei imitona. Ui. Foi mal. E super sem querer, I promise!

Also, also! I just wanted to point out that your Iron Man icons? All of them, but one? BLUE, baby! Yes.

(I actually hadn't notice the movie was blue. Was it? Sure, there were lots of skies, but I honestly can't remember. Maybe it was subtle? Maybe I was too preocupied in watching RDJ? The possibilites are endless.)

Just saying. :P


dtissagirl June 2 2008, 02:56:08 UTC
Então, eu preciso saber qual vai ser o tamanho do update do site, pra saber se posso perder a manhã de quinta voltando pra casa. A programação sai na terça à noite, aí eu posso confirmar se rola a 4a feira pra mim.

E cara, eu tenho uma teoria de que todo mundo absorve os icons de todo mundo MESMO e 99% do tempo é inconsciente. Tipo este icon, eu vi uns 3 parecidos antes de fazer o meu. Portanto, relax, não é cópia. :)

Also: technically, only the Rhodey and the b&w icons are blue. Every other one has at least one layer of yellow/orange in there to make it less blue. Hee!

[The movie is not blue in terms of cinematography -- well, some scenes are, but not most of it. It's not like there's a blue filter on the camera [think green filter on The Matrix]. But art direction/costumes/sets have A LOT of blue in it, I'm thinking because of the Ark reactor and the three billion sky shots.]


voleusedenuit June 1 2008, 05:24:39 UTC
Your Iron Man icons are gorgeous. I love the colouring, cropping, everything! Grabbing a bunch and will credit, thanks!


dtissagirl June 1 2008, 21:46:50 UTC
Oh, thank you so much! Hope you have fun with the icons. :)


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