because the last time that i left i slammed my fingers in the door

Mar 31, 2007 02:22

Remember how incredibly messy my desktop was? Well, my new wallpaper kind of made me want to keep it clean. Sure, I still need freaking EIGHT categories to sort all my stuff out, but hey -- it's all low-key now. I likes it very much.


A co-worker asked me for a list of Firefox add-ons, I collected the links for the ones I use. Figured this might be useful for you guys too:

Firefox extensions:

. Adblock Plus: blocks ads and banners and everything in between.

. All-in-One Sidebar: I like having everything in one place, and the sidebar gives me exactly that.

. Auto Copy: automatically copies selected text to the clipboard.

. Bookmark Duplicate Detector: finds duplicate bookmark entries. Pretty useful when your bookmarks pile up to thousands, like mine.

. BugMeNot: bypasses compulsory web registration [FREE sites only] using login/passwords collected at

. Clippings: save frequently-entered text for pasting later, via context menu.

. ColorZilla: color picker for FF.

. CoLT: Copy Link Text. Incredibly useful when downloading illegal crap. Heh.

. Converter: contextual [i.e. added to the page text] unit and timezone conversion [units: metric/Imperial, both ways; timezones: any timezone to your local time].

. Copy Plain Text: copies text without any formatting. Very useful when copying & pasting stuff into WYSIWYG applications.

. Cute Menus: adds mini-icons to all menus. Very helpful for visual people like moi.

. Dictionary Switcher: simple switching between all installed dictionaries by clicking the statusbar [if you have more than one dictionary installed, that is. I currently have five. Several dictionaries here].

. Dog Ears: dog-ear parts of a page so you can move on without fear of being unable to find them later. Extremely useful when reading long fics.

. Download Statusbar: I like it way better than the default Download Manager.

. ErrorZilla Mod: implements the error page for websites that can't be reached with links for Google Cache, Wayback Machine, etc.

. Extended Copy Menu: provides the option to copy selection as plain text or html.

. FasterFox: web accelerator.

. Favicon Picker 2: allows you to pick favicons for every bookmark entry.

. Faviconize Tab: makes the width of the tabs small up to the size of the favicon.

. Fission: transforms the address bar into a progress bar.

. FlashGot: one-click downloading manager activation. You need to actually use a manager for it to work though -- I use GetRight.

. ForecastFox: weather forecast on the status bar.

. FoxClocks: local and worldwide times on the statusbar.

. Foxmarks Bookmarks Synchronizer: a great way to keep a backup of your bookmarks. Also, I like links listed and not tagged. Stuff like only confuses me.

. FoxyTunes: music on the statusbar.

. Google Icon: adds favicon to google search results.

. Google Images Re-Linker: bypasses the frame-page directly to the full-size image on EXTREMELY USEFUL.

. Google Web Accelerator: another accelerator. My internet is not that fast, so it helps me plenty.

. Greasemonkey: javascript customizations manager. Scripts can be found at

. gTranslate: translates selected text via Google Translate.

. HashColouredTabs+: improves tab identification by providing a small colored icon for any site lacking its own favicon.

. IMDB Preview: preview relevant info when hovering over IMDB links.

. Link Alert: changes the cursor to indicate the target of a link [new window, secure site, image, music, zip, pdf, rss feeds, etc].

. Livejournal Hook: LJ integration, I don't think I can comment without it anymore.

. Locationbar²: customizes the location bar.

. MeasureIt: draw out a ruler to get the *pixel width and height* of any elements on a page. Most useful thing in the history of EVER.

. Megaupload SX.3.2: finds free slots on Megaupload for non-USAers.

. Menu Editor: customizes application menus. The amount of useless crap I've removed from the context menu with this extension is uncanny.

. Organize Status Bar: lets you rearrange the position of everything on the status bar. My OCD loves it dearly.

. Paste Email: paste your email address [or any text, really] into text fields.

. PDF Download: offers the choice of viewing PDF files as HTML.

. Resurrect Pages: adds a bunch of links to cache-storing places when a dead page is found. Similar to ErroZilla Mod, but with different links.

. Save Image in Folder: save images in customized folders.

. Save Link in Folder: save links in customized folders.

. Screengrab!: copy [to the clipboard] or save entire webpages as images [JPEGs or PNGs]. Awesome!

. Searchbar Autosizer: lets you resize the searchbar anyway you want. Plus, it can clean it [and go back to the default search engine] after submitting, which is the reason I installed this in the first place.

. Snap Links: open all links [each in a new tab] in a selected area of the screen. Great for opening several screencaps at once.

. Stylish: styles manager -- does for CSS what Greasemonkey does for javascripts. Styles can be found at

. Super DragAndGo: drag links to open them, drag images to save them. SO. FUCKING. USEFUL.

. Tab Mix Plus: advanced tabbed browsing customizations.

. Toolbar Buttons: adds a whole bunch of buttons to the Customize Toolbar window. [Dog Ears buttons!]

. UI Tweaker: tweaks the browser. I admit I only use it because I wanted a single button for Reload and Stop.

. Undo Closed Tabs Button: adds a toolbar button to undo closed tabs.

. Update Scanner: monitors selected webpages for updates. Useful for places lacking RSS/Atom feeds.

. VideoDownloader: downloads video from YouTube, Google, etc.

Anyone wanna tell me about other interesting extensions, feel free to do so. :)


I totally should be asleep. Gah, insomnia.

links: software, insomnia, desktop, gip

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