1. Happy Birthday,
hecatehatesthat! ::throws confetti::
2. If you've missed it the first time: I'm making B/S icons to everyone who joined the
B/S ficathon. Request them
3. Got a bunch of challenge icons, plus a few new ones to post, so. (
Tiny images, yay! )
Comments 38
Eeee! Such gorgeous icons. I absolutely ADORE #12. She looks so beautiful in that cap, plus, perfect text for it. I snagged a whole bunch!
And thanks again for the feedback, I'm so glad you liked these! :)
I'm sending out the assignments tonight and tomorrow, since I'm just overly excited and cannot wait another day. Hee.. So I'm sure you'll recieve a ton more requests!
Yeah, number 16 in particular just rocks my world so much.
Also, if I can be a pain, which of these are from contests and from which contests? (I've taken a lot of them off my friends page, so I don't know what's what. And I'm nosy today. *g*)
As for icons and contests:
- 05 and 16 -> spuffychallenge
- 06 and 11 -> bicon_challenge
- 07 and 12 -> ats_challenge
- 08 and 13 -> buffy_stillness
- 09 and 10 -> icon_spark
- 14 -> buffy_chorus
- 15 -> btvs_episodic
It's waaay too many challenges. And I don't sleep much. *g*
And thank you for the contest list! My curiosity has now been settled. :) I didn't even realize there were so many contests out there now. But hey, if you're making all these pretty icons for the contests, then who cares if you get sleep? Pfft! ;)
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