Bleach volume 10 Fullmetal Alchemist volume 4 The Sudoku Challenge (Sudoku puzzles! WHEE!) Solo Command by Aaron Allston Dragon's Blood by Jane Yolen Heart's Blood by Jane Yolen A Sending of Dragons by Jane Yolen
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The concept of sudoku is pretty simple: there's a table of nine 3x3 boxes, and the aim of the puzzle is so that every row, column, and every box has the numbers 1 through 9 without overlapping anything. ( explains it a bit better.) A lot of the major newspapers have them now, and there are tons of different puzzle books; they are INCREDIBLY fun and INCREDIBLY addicting. ^-^ The book I bought has 200 puzzles and I've already done twelve.
Ah, gotta love packing libraries... Just packing the book sI have at SCHOOL takes two and a half boxes... Crap. When I move TOTALLY out, I shall need many AMNY boxes... *fear*
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