I have been reading a lot of really awesome fic lately, to the detriment of my focus on Vera Brittain's Testament of Youth, which is also awesome but involves a lot of people dying but, thus far, no one having scorchingly hot sex on-page. (I'll let you know if that changes.)
Anyway, here, share my screwed up circadian rhythm! Read these things!
Generation Kill, Nate/Brad genderswap )
Comments 12
Last night I read Made and Remade the Necklace of Songs and loved that, too, so clearly the next two days are going to involve these other two fics. Naturally. :)
You're very welcome! Thank you for the story! :)
Just finished To Shame the Devil, currently obsessively listening to the playlist for Slow Dancing in a Burning Room (story! why are you so fucking awesome!?), and have Chosen Man open in a tab just waiting for some quality time.
In conclusion: HEARTS.
In other conclusion: do you have other 00Q recs? I'm getting scared to click on things for fear of ff.net style bullcrap.
So, you know, if there's an actual problem with reading that as GK au, let me know, because otherwise :D :D :D
Also, that was the most amazing thing ever. Can I have EIGHTEEN MORE FICS JUST LIKE IT HOMG? Thank you so much for reccing it. I'm not sure it could be a whole lot more YAY for me if it really, really tried. WOW.
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