You guyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyys. What. What on earth.
As announced on the website of his in-laws' church:
We join William and Christine (Bandy) Beckett in thanking God over the birth of a healthy daughter, Genevieve Dylan Beckett, on Friday, October 12 .
...Bill Beckett, married and the father of a three-week-old daughter. Just put your head between your knees and remember to breathe in and out, in and out.
And once we've all recovered from the vertigo, I want fic about why Bill's daughter is named after Jon Walker's cat, okay? Okay.
ETA: Lest I be misunderstood, I mean, hooray! Hooray and congratulations to the Becketts! Just, holy crap, I really did not think someone from TAI would beat the My Chem guys in the race to reproduce.
ETA2, 11/15/07: About that source-citing thing I was doing: the link no longer went anywhere useful, as Yahoo's cache moved on to caching the following week's newsletter, and I can't now find a cached copy of the one containing the news. It didn't occur to me that I'd need to preserve it, so I didn't think to take a screencap of the cached version or anything--my apologies.
For the record, the link that used to exist, above, went to a Yahoo! cached copy of
the church bulletin from St. Matthew's Lutheran Church, a copy from late October, which included the above-quoted announcement as well as mentioning the baby's grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Bandy, who are active members of that parish and whose names may still be found here and there in current copies of the bulletin.
ETA3, 10/2/2009: Only two years later,
confirmed at last via Alternative Press and Buzznet! Thanks for pointing the way, anon commenter.