Over the weekend,
iuliamentis and I set up
It's a Bones bi-weekly fic challenge community, modeled on, uh, pretty much every other flashfic community I could find (is there a list somewhere?) with challenges starting this Thursday, March 22. All ratings, all pairings, all genres!
bones_flashfic! Sign up now!
Comments 4
I know you are going to muskratjamboree, but did you know about rat_jam? It is the LJ alternative for those of us who can't make it to muskratjamboree (which, btw, is OMG so unfair that you can't move Boston to Australia. Just for the weekend!)
Anyrate, we are doing PLENTY of stuff that people doing the jamboree thing can participate in as well. Most notable of these is a Fic/Art Battle modelled on oxoniensis's porn battle. And do you know what?
There is not a SINGLE Bones prompt among them. We're up to twelve pages, and no Bones! (Which I would totally post, except that it would require me having seen more than one episode and BESIDES I have already taken up three pages) I think this should be rectified, don't you?
Totally joining now!
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