
Mar 06, 2022 16:17

Through cracked eyelid I watched my sister Eisha, pad across the room in her small clothes. She grabbed her woolen stockings, long sleeved heavy cotton shift and indigo blue pinafore from her chair and quickly headed to the fire, poking at the embers until they gave in to her ministrations and the small pieces of kindling stared to burn. I snuggled ( Read more... )

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Comments 22

drippedonpaper March 6 2022, 22:34:10 UTC
Goodness. I hope you are healing from Covid! Please be careful and try to rest if you can. Were you able to get an antibody treatment?

I was so glad the Dad in your story forgave the horse.

A somewhat similar drama plays out in my house as our rescued Pitt Bull has eaten 2 pairs of airpods, a lamp, a bike pedal, the list is endless.

She apparently has separation anxiety. It's a hassle. Every time, I'm a bit afraid my 18 year old daughter who Daisy sleeps with each night (re: my entry this week) will have had enough and not forgive her. We've had Daisy since Sept 27th.

I like how you developed your entry. I was on pins and needles, worrying with the characters about what would happen to the horse. I'm the oldest sister in my family but was/am constantly compared to the next youngest. Miriam is like Eisha in your story, everything I ought to be. So I really related to your Sarai character :)


dsrmousey March 6 2022, 23:08:17 UTC
Aww poor Daisy. Have you tried leaving the TV on for her? Shut all doors when leaving and give her throwaway clothing that smells like her people. I had a pup for 16 years who chewed 11 pairs of my shoes!
We're all vaxxed and I was just boosted so my case (for being the one with the most medical problems) wasn't too bad.
My hubs however who has Mltiple Sclerosis is having a really hard time. And my 18mos old grandson is still snuffly. But so far we're ok.
Thanks for popping in and reading. Peace~~~D


dsrmousey March 6 2022, 23:11:29 UTC
Oh and get Daisy a bone she only gets when you all go out. Just don't take it from her when she's chewing it, you don't want to trigger food agression! Good luck!!


banana_galaxy March 8 2022, 05:56:09 UTC
I think you captured the emotion and tension in this very well. I enjoyed the contrasting characters.


dsrmousey March 11 2022, 05:54:52 UTC
Thank you very much. Peace~~~D


viagra March 8 2022, 15:34:15 UTC
I was so happy that the dad forgave the horse in the end - but I totally get that worry when you're a kid and you aren't entirely sure how your parents will react to something. I liked that you specifically tied the ending back to the beginning here thematically. :)


dsrmousey March 11 2022, 05:55:43 UTC
Thank you for reading! Peace~~~D


beautyofgrey March 9 2022, 00:49:12 UTC
I love the dialect/voice of this, and your characters! Everything flows so nicely. I'm especially glad that Pa is actually a quite forgiving man!


dsrmousey March 11 2022, 05:56:22 UTC
Thank you! Peace~~~


adoptedwriter March 9 2022, 14:51:46 UTC
I enjoyed the “voice” and also your description of being like a “gangly colt”. Glad the horse lived!


dsrmousey March 11 2022, 05:57:26 UTC
Thank you for your kind words! Peace~~~


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