Title: The Gray Menace
keerawaCharacters: Ray K, Ray V
Rating: PG
Length: 500 words
Thanks to: My betas,
akamine_chan and Steven, for reminding me that other people do not live in my head.
Disclaimer: The characters belong to Alliance/Atlantis. I just feed them when they follow me home.
Warnings: Do I need to warn for odd and mildly dystopian future-fic
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Comments 19
“Grays’re bringing it in through the ports, overland … drawing pensions off the sweat of us working stiffs, and spending all their hard currency on those damn Canadian meds. Fucking leeches.”
Hilarious! *admires your shiny brain*
Also, I think other people do live in your head. So, you know, YMMV, and you have every right and are probably well advised to take anything I say with a grain of salt. :) Except that you're a fabulous writer with an amazing imagination. That point, I'm sure, is beyond dispute. :)
And Fraser sighting at the end!
Two white males sat arguing in a green classic car
I just LOVE seeing the boys when they're old. Not just older but old. This is such a fun glimpse! (I am in favour of futuristic dystopias :)
Awww! Fraser turning up lightens even the bleakest of dystopias. I love the Rays, all old and cantankerous. ♥
Absolutely not! I want more fic like this.
I love how this feels like just a little piece of something bigger. Hmm, Grays. What are they? My best guess was that Grays = guys in gray suits = people who are well-off, but I don't know.
And Fraser at the end = &hearts
*hugs Fraser* Thanks, luzula!
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