Media: "Grocery Lists", (F/V/K), Rated T. (V. image-heavy)

Nov 03, 2008 16:56

Title: Grocery Lists
Fandom: due South
Pairing: F/V/K
Rating: Teen for language, sexual innuendo, misspelled beer names, and incorrect wolf anatomy and/or abilities.
Prompt: Genre challenge (Epistolary. Of a sort.)
Media: Photographs, so includes some large images.
Summary: A succession of amendments to Fraser's grocery lists, courtesy of the Rays.

AN: Done for the ds_Flashfiction prompt "genre fiction". One of my favorite styles of writing is epistolary, and when I was thinking of how to do this for the prompt, I was inspired by catwalksalone's awesome Don't Let Kowalski Interview the Perp into doing something multi-media, and also by a similar prompt response of Musamea for an X-Men flashfiction prompt, called Timelapse. Both of these are much, much better than mine, okay?

Also, I know that "Old Style" should be "Olde Style", just pretend Vecchio refuses to spell things wrong. And wolves have four toes. My apologies at the girlish nature of Vecchio and Fraser's handwriting, but I am a girl, and I wanted it to be easy to read. Thanks to my husband for helping out his incredibly geeky wife, and to inlovewithnight for looking it over and making sure it was good to post.

Grocery Lists

genre 2008 challenge

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