Title: The Unquiet Grave
Author: Luzula
Genre: Folk ballad
Pairing: Fraser/Kowalski
Rating: R for character death
Length: seven verses (185 words)
Notes: Thank you to
j_s_cavalcante for the beta! This is a version of The Unquiet Grave (Child ballad #78), written as a Mountie on the Bounty AU. The first verse, the last verse and the last two lines of the next-to-last verse are taken from
this version of the song. Other versions can be found
here for comparison. I learned the melody from Kate Rusby's album Sleepless. That was some time ago though, so I've probably changed it (but it's a folk song, so I bet there are countless variants anyway).
You can download a recording
here. I sing the melody and my sister plays the guitar. ETA: There is now also a permanent link, thanks to
right click and download.
Cold blows the wind to my true love
And gently drops the rain
I never had but one true love
And in the water you lie slain
Although we fought and came to blows
You trusted me that day
You followed me out on the waters deep
And there you found your grave
You could not swim, you could not breathe
In the darkness and the cold
My breath, it could not save your life
My hands, they lost their hold
Your hair among the seaweed floats
Lake water fills your mouth
While I stand on the shore alone
And in my heart a drought
I walk on crowded city streets
And you walk by my side
When you speak, it is for my ears alone
And others pass unseeing by
I want you to hold me close
In your arms where I belong
But if I kiss your cold clay lips
My days will not be long
When will we meet again, my love,
When will we meet again?
When the autumn leaves that fall from the trees
Are green and spring up again