Title: Meow!
Author: Aingeal
Pairing: Fraser/Vecchio
Rating: PG
Word Count: 2596
Summary: Fraser and Ray are turned into cats. Fun ensues. Kittens also feature.
Notes: Inspired by
This Picture. Mostly dialogue.
Disclaimer: Not mine and considering I turn them into cats...
We’re cats, Fraser. )
Comments 12
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I'm glad you like it and that it amused. :-)
Thank you.
Yay cat"Fraser and cat!Ray.
Oh, dear, dear, dear. Once again you succeed, crack that's totally in character and works!!!!
Some superb lines - well most of them.
This one, however, just about sums F/V up totally:
Ray followed his partner into the gloom. “I don’t believe it, we’re cats and I’m still having to hunt through garbage with you.”
Oh, and we've used 'orange' it was one of your recent DR stories, when Ray's eating an orange.
Yellow, maybe? The cats' eyes are yellow, teddy bears are often yellow . . . And if you really want to take it one step further - remember the cat peed on Ray. *Runs away*
So I think yellow might well do it.
Yay I ma glad you feel I suceeded.
And I do like that line too.
I am glad you liked it.
And d'oh! I should have checked the table frst...Yellow sounds good though.
Hee hee.
It's perfect. So Ray. Spot on.
Yellow duly moved to its new place.
To remind you, all that is left is:
049. Diamond
050. Spade (DR story we talked about)
057. Lunch
061. Winter (DR story we vaguely mentioned)
088. School (DR story we talked about)
091. Birthday (DR story we talked about)
Ah yes I remember now. And I might have some ideas for diamond and lunch...hmmm...
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