This is what happens (at least to me) when you watch "Diefenbaker's Day Off" with this challenge in the back of your head.
400ish words, rated no naughty words
Fraser was on the hospital pay phone, speaking to Ray about the issue of Diefenbaker's license, when he saw a man dressed in scrubs head down the corridor past him. An x-ray floated to the ground behind his rapidly retreating figure.
"Sir? Sir?" He quickly ended the phone call and headed down the hall, picking up the x-ray from the floor.
Trotting toward the parking lot, Fraser caught a glimpse of a convertible, and then a bent-over blond head. He came up to the car, but quickly turned away when he saw that the man had stripped down to boxers and was pulling his scrub shirt over his head.
"Excuse....Oh, I'm sorry...I didn't mean to..."
"Are you following me?" the man asked, sounding remarkably unconcerned.
"No. Well, yes, I am but I'm not trying to..." Fraser ground to a halt.
"Skulking around creeps me out, man, cut it out." He dug in the passenger seat for a pair of jeans and pulled them on, as Fraser turned partially around.
"I beg your pardon, but you see, I, I'm..."
The man pulled a t-shirt over his head. "How'd you know where to bring him?"
"You mean Charlie?" Fraser watched as the man ran his fingers through his spiked hair, restoring it to some semblance of tidiness.
"He a friend of yours?"
"Well, no. I met him at the accident site. Well, the accident site before that."
"So you do this a lot, then?" He grabbed a notepad from the passenger seat and pulled the cap off a pen.
"By this, you mean...?" Fraser looked at the man.
Fraser watched with interest as the expressions flitted across the man's face, and he visibly decided to change tack. "How do you spell your name?", the man said as he scribbled on the notepad.
"B - E - N - T - O..."
The man glanced toward the building entrance, tossed the notepad down, and began backing his car out of the parking space. "You're a very interesting person, Bento. We should get together."
"No, that's *Benton*. Benton Fraser."
"How about dinner tonight?" the man called, as he shifted out of reverse.
"Dinner? Well, I'd love to, but I have a dog."
The man didn't seem impressed by this excuse. "Got a pair of jeans?"
"Two, actually."
"Lake Shore Park, 6 o'clock. Wear the jeans. Bring the dog." The blond man pulled the car out of the parking lot.
There was a curl of anticipation in Fraser's stomach as he stared toward the retreating car. "Oh, dear."
Wouldn't Not!RayK make a great muckracking journalist?