Silly Seven Sins Drabble

Sep 28, 2004 16:00

No nutritional content, but I was bored. Besides, here's one country not yet heard from...
(By the way, eerily appropriate icon by the Tremendously Talented and Clever tarar...)

Foodfoodfoodmm mm mmm mm mm-
Gone, gone, all gone, want more!
Mmmoremoremoremore. More! MORE!
What? No? No more?::

"!!! !!! No !!!!!!! Dief, !!!!"

::Hey! Shinyboots! Look this way! I can't--::

"!!!! No!!!!!!! Dief!!!!"

::Shinyboots, I want MORE--::


::Fine. Let me starve. Jerk::

"///// Fraser! //////"

::Oooh, good, yay, happyhappy, It's Pointyhair!
Pointyhair! Donuts! Donuts! Donuts! Gimme! Gimme! Shareshareshare, c'mon, c'mon::

"//// donuts."

::No? Donuts? No donuts? Pizza? Pizza?pizzapizzapizza?::

"Ray, !!!!! Diefenbaker !!!!!!!!!"

::No? Why no? Why no? pizza? Why no? donuts? Whywhywhy?::

"!!!!!!!, Dief. Sit!"

::Screw that, you alpha wannabe. I'm outta here!::

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