Hi! New maintainer here. Since our last cross-fandom challenge was so much fun, I figured we could do it all over again, so this week's challenge is cross fandom icons!
(cribbed from
Challenge 18)
♠ Entries must pair a Due South cap or promo picture with a quote or visual element from another fandom, e.g., a cap of Fraser with a quote from Star Wars, or a manip with Fraser wearing Rodney McKay's uniform from Stargate Atlantis.
♠ You may use any cap or promo picture that you have available to you. Your quote may be from any fandom besides Due South.
♠ You may submit up to five icons.
♠ Icons must abide by LJ standards, i.e. they must be under 40kb and sized 100 by 100.
♠ Animation is not allowed.
♠ Entries must be received by Friday, May 28th June 4th, 11:59 PM EST.
Possible Resources for Caps and Quotes:
StormyMouse’s Cap It!StormyMouse’s CKR and PG candids siteDs_Contest’s Caps ala PhotobucketIMDB (for quotes) Please enter by commenting to this post. Ask us if you have any questions! Thanks and have a great week!