This community is BACK for April 2008! Yay!
We are making a few changes--this year you can write fic, just like last year, but you can also do any other sort of postable art form riffing on dueSouth or six degrees thereof, using the prompt table which you can find
here in our user info. (It does not actually look table-ish, but if you copy and paste it to your journal it will magically turn into a table.) So--fic, meta, recs lists, picspam, icons, banners, vids, photoshopping, fanmixes...whatever you can come up with!
And you don't have to pick a type of art and stick with it--mix and match! An icon one day, a ficlet the next. So, for instance, if the prompt was "suit," you could do a fic involving Fraser and the Ray of Your Choice in tuxes; or a rec list of your favorite fics wherein The Boys dress up; or a podficcing of same; or a musing on dress as a signifier of character in the dueSouth universe; or an icon of Paul Gross as Geoffrey Tennant from Slings & Arrows, with a "K" and a heart to show what suit he's in in your own personal mental card deck; or a truly ludicrous photoshopped picture of Callum Keith Rennie boggling at Hugh Dillon because Hugh is wearing David Byrne's giant suit from "Stop Making Sense." ("You may ask yourself, how the f**k do I work this?")
No sign-ups required. Just plunge in on April 1 and START! (Feel free to say you're in on this post, though. It would make me happy.) Post your pieces in your journal and link to them on this journal, or vice versa if you'd prefer. Pimp them on
ds_noticeboard, or whichever community is appropriate for that bit of fic/art. (Maybe a once-a-week posting to the noticeboard, so it's not too slammed?) Link back to your prompt table so people can find one of your efforts, be all impressed, and go look at every one!
DON'T panic and not do it because you don't think you can make the full 30. Do what you can! Have fun!
The "six degrees" would include any films or tv projects that Paul Gross, Callum Keith Rennie and/or David Marciano have been featured in. (ETA: And/or Hugh Dillon!) Real person fic/art would also be fine, as would crossovers, as long as one of the fandoms met the criteria.
Note: I am recycling the prompt table from last year because I am lazyefficient. I figure, the rules have loosened enough to allow them to be played with differently, and they were excellent and flexible prompts to begin with, so let's have at them!
Note some more: I haven't modded a community before. Odds are I've left out some terribly important piece of information. Kindly let me know!
ETA: And Hugh Dillon is part of the six degrees list as well! So anything with him in it! (I so wanted to put him in to start with, but thought that would be sort of cheating...but I am informed it is traditional! YAY!)