DS9 Discussion Post: 2x20/21 'The Maquis'

Oct 16, 2011 15:11

1. When did you suspect that Cal Hudson might have ulterior motives? Do you think Sisko should have suspected sooner?

2. Trading colonies in a treaty brings to mind a few real-world parallels. Discuss!

3. Sisko's famous line in this one - "It's easy to be a saint in paradise" - is often held up as a reflection of the differences between TNG and DS9. Thoughts?

4. These episodes were written as a bit of a lead-in for Voyager when it was first airing. If you're familiar with VOY, do you think this was a good introduction to the idea of the Maquis?

5. Dukat gets more character development in this episode. How do you think he's changed from his first appearance in the pilot?

6. At one point, Odo and Kira get into a heated argument over how tight security should be on DS9. Who do you think was right?

7. If you were in the same position as the colonists (told to relocate due to a new treaty), would you pack up and move or join the Maquis? From an outsider's perspective, who do you think was right: the Maquis or the Federation?

Bonus: In the first chat, folks speculated that the Cardassian suffix "nor" actually means "Cardassians are awesome". Now you know, and you can use this suffix to win any argument ever. You're welcome.

And, of course, if you have any other points of interest to discuss, feel free to join in! (Why? Because nor, that's why.) Be sure to mark any spoilers for later episodes.

discussion post, rewatch: 2x20 the maquis part 1, rewatch: 2x21 the maquis part 2

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