Research Is Fun! Honest! by buzzylittleb

Jun 29, 2006 22:48

Today, I've been writting my Big Fannish Project of the moment, so I thought I'd give you some research links to help you out. Because I've spent way too long looking for stuff lately.

*digs through bookmarks*

Fraser likes the great outdoors, so Chicago Park District might help you find him somewhere new to walk Dief, and maybe even one with a baseball court for Ray Vecchio.

CIty Of Chicago might help you out with general Chicago-based information.

Chicago Police Department employs our Rays. It's hard to search for Police Districts by location, though.

There's also a Wikipaedia entry on Chicago's biys in blue, though.

A little query from little_details about particularly gay areas of Chicago might help those of you who like dressing Ray like a rent boy. And why shouldn't I encourage you in this noble venture? Hotpants, please.

Chicago Neighbourhood Map mindbogglingly helpful once you work out where everyone should be.

The Chicago Tribune for all your news related needs and maybe helping you get a little bit of local flavour.

General Law Enforcement

Police Codes and Abreviations are good for making your characters sound like cops. There are some really odd ones. There's also a really good fic from ds_flashfiction's documentation challenge which has a lot of them in.

Janis Cortese: Firearms and Self-Defense this ones about self defence, duh, but it's really helpful if you want to know about a) gun control b) the sort of weapons you might find in a house were guns are kept c) how the damn things work.

A wiki Mafia article the veracity of this is disputed, but nonetheless, probably a good starting point for little details on Vegas and Chicago mob activity.


An American's Guide To Canada really ought to be one of your first ports of call. It's one of my favourite resources and explains all sorts of stuff about day to day living in Canada.

Historical Resources For Fanwriters is good if you just want something for Fraser to waffle on about (and have got fed up with curling, Inuit tales, and the war of 1812) or want information for a historical AU. Or are just plain curious.

Macleans probably Fraser's reading matter of choice, though my pet Canadian thinks it's grown increasingly Americanised. A pet Canadian is a very useful resource I suggest you cultivate.

Quebec French it's a wikipaedia article so bring your own salt.

Character Specific

A GTO Fan Page everything you need to know about Kowalski's dream machine.

Items Fraser Carries.

Ray Kowalski's Apartment a detailed description and layout notes. I think there's one for Fraser's circa Victoria's Secret out there, but I can't find it in my bookmarks.

Writing Links

Giveaways is one of a myriad of sites helping with trying to pass for your desired nationality. There's also drop_the_u for Brits trying to sound American.

Cascade Hospital is nominally a Sentinel site, but is generally great for injuries and illnesses, if you want to know how badly you can hurt the person of your choice for hurt/comfort purposes.

Slash Orientated Writing Links

Minotaur's Sex Tips For Slash Writers really ought to be required reading if you're planning to write sex scenes. It's insanely helpful and has pictures.

A resource on condoms aimed at gay men if you're ever stuck for a brand name or perversely curious about which type best suits a prince albert. I believe there's a safe sex ficathon on right now, if you're involved, you might like this.

gay_sex_tips just note that the guys here really aren't too keen on slashers asking questions, but there's nothing to stop you pootling about memories or just evesdropping a bit.

And don't forget...

Your wonderful dS related livejournal resources. A comprehensive guide lives here and dkwilliams own ds_recs post on her favourite research links.

Thank you and good night

buzzylittleb buzzing off.
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