Fic: Rebuilding Burned Bridges (Part 9/9)

Mar 14, 2008 18:40

Title: Rebuilding Burned Bridges (Part 9/9)
Author: mayachain (ms_jvh_shuh)
Pairing: Bobby/St John
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Years after the events of Alkali Lake and Alcatraz, St John finds that you cannot burn all your bridges without rebuilding some.
Of secret societies and making plans.
Note:The eight days' span I wanted to spin this story about comes to an end. Not quite the end of this 'verse, though; there are still two prequels and one outtake or "missing" scene.
As ever, lots and lots of thank yous to inootz for looking everything over for me.

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4,
Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8

Rebuilding Burned Bridges


Hi Bobster,
Kits just mailed me Logan's attempt at a budget. I need to drown myself right now to get rid of the scary numbers. I swear, you are soo brave for volunteering to play accountant to the raindrops and claws. Just don't die of boredom before you're done studying, please? Else they'll stick me with the shit. If you ask me - no matter what the raindrops say - the presence of sparks I hear coming your way in your life is a good thing.
The Cambridge mu-sicians we met last night seem friendly. I'll give you details when you see me!

Love, Jubilee

PS: London is awesome. Trust fund boy is absolutely spoiling me.


It's a nice place the 24/7 have rented. From the outside it looks like nothing but a run-down warehouse under permanent construction, but one of the rules no-one needed to repeat to St John about mutants with money and resources is that the cellar is always the most important part of a building. The gym that's been installed in the warehouse's stockroom is a big fat lot more low-key than any of the Brotherhood gyms Pyro's been in the last few years, a far cry from what he remembers of the Danger Room. Still, St John's trained eyes are quick to pick up on the obvious signs that Forge must have been over every corner of it, and that's disregarding the complicated procedures to get inside in the first place. He itches to ask Bobby why he recognized Mystique's hand in the security sequences, feels like he's been handed another missing piece to a puzzle he doesn't yet know the scope of.

It's not a Brotherhood safe house nor the Mansion, but there are reinforced walls made to survive major temperature changes and in all probability earthquakes up to eight or nine on the Richter scale, isolated elaborately enough to confine all sound. There are training mats designed to absorb and quickly get rid of large amounts of water, a tree planted square in the middle of them.

St John is surprised at how at ease he feels, surrounded by a bunch of mutants who're all bound to know who he is, but they seem relaxed around him all the same, simply because Bobby is. All afternoon, he watches the six college mutants go about their business and waits for the inevitable questions, interrogations, but they don't come. Instead, the green-flashing girl called Amanda does something to his small fire that has him stare at her speechless, has his mind reeling at the potential, dumbstruck with awe at the embers being fed by the oxygen she emits from across the room.

Whatever takes place inside this gym is something Mystique wanted him to see, probably since long before she gave him the address to Bobby's apartment. It's been a week since he first fell asleep on Bobby's couch, a week in which nothing and the whole world has changed.

Glancing at the far wall clock, he knows that at this moment, Magneto and Madrox are approaching the safe house in Denver from opposite directions, in different vehicles and at different speeds. He knows that Magneto is already thinking of the meeting and calculating possibilities, while all current versions of Madrox are anticipating and discussing the cookies Alvers will have made. He knows that once there, the Brotherhood's primary attack squad will wait for about an hour, just in case Pyro hasn't shown up yet (will never show up again) because of traffic. St John knows that when his young lieutenant doesn't turn up dutifully on his doorstep to beg forgiveness for his momentary insolence, Magneto will be surprised, will be blindsided by the reality of St John's desertion even though he really should have been able to read the signs. He'll not be able to grasp the concept of the young boy who boarded his hijacked helicopter like a lost puppy having turned into this, a former soldier who is quite content in his best friend's secret college mutant gym two states away from the attack he knows the Brotherhood is planning.

St John is making plans of his own, has just started thinking about the possibilities that are now open to him. He found a brochure full of the college's range of courses in one of Bobby's shelves; he might even start attending school again. If she's on such good speaking terms with the 24/7, maybe Mystique can tweak the records, maybe he'll ask her to do one more thing for him.

Relinquishing control over the fire and idly leaning back against the wall, he lets his eyes fall on the corner where Bobby and Traipsie are sparring, Iceman stoically advancing on the other man, tiny snowflakes in his hands, blinking ferociously every time Traipsie rids his memories of his plans.

In two days, the next hospital will go down. Bobby must at least suspect St John did some recon, knows the where and at least the when that was planned, but he hasn't asked, and after seven days of silent agreements St John knows he won't.

The tiniest hint of a grin spreads over his face as Bobby manages to freeze his opponent to the ground, and as the clock slowly ticks nearer and then past the deadline, he wonders how it would be like to spar with Bobby like that again, if maybe next week it will be possible, after everything, to set fire against ice just for fun.


*ducks head*

If you want to make me happy, please leave feedback on the process of rebuilding bridges!

rating: pg-13, title: r, author: ms_jvh_shuh, fiction: series

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