Only in your Memories.

Dec 01, 2006 23:26

Here's Chapter 2 folks, I'm having a bit a trouble I've got quite a bit written but still having trouble. Next bit to be posted tommarow night.


Title: Only in your Memories.
Author: Amaroqwolf_inc
Rating: PG-13 for language, will possibly go up later.
Synopsis: When he woke up his head hurt, and that was only the beginning.
Disclaimer: Marvel and Fox own them, I’m only playing with them. I will put them back when I’m done I promise. (Crosses fingers behind back)

Chapters: Chapter 1//-\\

Bobby waited it felt like hours outside the hospital room. Logan had sworn up and down that they should just turn John over to the authorities but everyone had argued against it. Had said no lets give him a chance. In a way Bobby found himself agreeing with the older man. John had betrayed them, John had left them and had committed terrorist attacks on people who couldn’t fight back. John had become the enemy. But, why then had he after knocking the fire starter out taken John into his arms and carried him to safety. Why didn’t he just leave him lying there for the Phoenix to destroy. Because, in his heart just like John had always said. Bobby Drake was the biggest Softie the world had ever seen. And no matter how many times John burned him he would always be there for the other boy. Like he was here now.

He sighed rubbing his forehead glancing up when he heard the click of heels on the tile he looked up and smiled weakly as Storm came towards him.

“Well?” She said slowly sitting beside him. “We’ve managed to keep his identity to ourselves.”

He nodded glancing at the door. “What did the doctor say?”

“He has a concussion,” She responded slowly not looking directly at him which led Bobby to believe there was more.

“He’s going to die isn’t he?” He asked.

“No, Bobby he’s not going to die.” She said slowly still not looking at him.

“Then what is it?” He snapped suddenly irritated with Storm. “What’s wrong with him?”

Storm glanced at him then took a deep breath. “He’s lost his memory.” She stated. “He doesn’t know who he is, who I am, or where he even is.” She paused. “He has no recollection of what happened to him. He’s completely lost.” She finally said.

Bobby stiffened closing his eyes, he’d done that to John in an attempt to put him down keep him from hurting Hank or Logan before they could finish there attack on Magneto. He rubbed his face shaking his head he looked up at Storm he could see she had something else on her mind.

“What is it?”

She took a deep breath. “They think,” She paused gathering her thoughts. “They think that the other problem is only temporary and will repair itself with time.”

“What other problem?” He asked. “What is it Storm stop beating around the bush and just tell me.” He snapped.

She sighed slowly taking his hand. “This isn’t your fault,” She said. “You don’t have to take responsibility.”

“Just tell me what I did to him,” He said sounding tired and old beyond his years.

“He’s blind Bobby, the doctors think its temporary that his eye sight will eventually come back, but for now he’s blind.” She said softly.

Bobby groaned and shoved his hands in his face and cursed softly. “I did that to him, I fucking blinded him.” He snapped.

“Bobby,” She said gently.

“No, I did this.” He rose to his feet. “Will take him back to the school, I’ll take care of him I’ll help him get better.” He paused at her look. “I owe him that much.” He said.

She sighed then nodded. “Alright, will take him back with us.”

He smiled tiredly in thanks and looked up and down the hallway. “Can I go see him now?” He asked.

Storm studied him for a second then nodded. “I don’t see what harm it will do.”

He nodded. “Thanks Storm, I mean..Ororo.” He said softly.

She nodded again. “Your welcome Bobby, just don’t get hurt. He will get his memory back.”

“I know, but maybe this time I can keep him from leaving.” Bobby said as he slipped through the door into the hospital room.

title: o, rating: pg-13, author: amaroqwolf_inc, fiction: series

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